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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. It will be interesting to see how Peterman plays this year. We'll probably see a good chunk of him in pre season, and with a qb competition coming, I'm sure he'll up his game a bit
  2. Don't know if their is any truth to this post, but regardless the o line was horrendous in that game. I feel bad for Peterman because I feel he's a better qb than this, and also his bad play wasn't all his fault. In hind sight, starting him in a game on the other side of the country probably wasn't the best idea. If anything it should've probably been a home game.
  3. Rams Coulda traded Sammy for Beckham straight up
  4. I want whoever gives us the best chance to win. Theirs a small part of me that hopes Peterman is the starter and he ends up being a franchise qb. I always have a place in my heart for the underdog
  5. Giants should take our two 1sts and Hughes for their number 2 overall. Cmon, they'd go for it
  6. Yep, although I would say even an accord is more exciting than a camry. The new 2018 camrys are pretty sweet looking though
  7. I have 2017 toyota camry. I litterally drive the most boring car on the planet.
  8. I hate seeing Duke win regardless of who they're playing. Cuse played really good last night. They had some moments where they returned to regular season form, but they stuck it out all the way to the end. Hopefully they have the full roster next year along with the new recruits. Howard needs to step up his game.
  9. Please beane, do something soon. If I have to read 20 draft/trade threads a day up until the draft my head is gonna explode
  10. Just read on Twitter that the Dolphins are signing osweiler
  11. I'll say the whole "bills fans are the craziest in the NFL" thing. Yes, we definitely have a passionate fan base. However, every teams fan base is rowdy and drinks too much at games and does dumb things. Especially the smaller market teams.
  12. Cuse came to play tonight. Hope they can keep it up for 40 mins
  13. Sweet video to get you pumped for tonight's game https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156372559313760&id=368663632275
  14. I said after her trial, and still think this will happen at some point, that Casey Anthony will have her own reality show someday
  15. Honestly, because I love to drive. Sure, driving in rush hour traffic sucks, but my 30 min drive to work in the morning is my time. My free time away from kids, wife etc.
  16. It was pretty classless for him to just quit on the bills. However I do think after a year off and playing with a good QB, he can be successful still. I don't think he's about to lead the NFL in receiving yards though
  17. Don't know if anyone saw this. It was on this past weekend on the oxygen channel. It was a 2 night series, 4 hrs long. Most of the story I knew, minus a few things. His lawyer for the second murders is an absolute scumbag and I'm pretty sure this dude would've tried to prove Hitlers innocence if he had a chance(this is the same guy who got Casey Anthony off) . Maybe I live under a rock, or just didn't pay attention at the time, but apparently the reason for his suicide was that he was gay, and it had come out in the media days before he hung himself. What I find kind of ironic, is that hernandez couldn't live with the fact that people would know he was gay, yet could live with the fact that he was a convicted murderer. Also, the guy he killed, was his fiance's sister's boyfriend. Which was just really strange to watch because hernandez's fiance was almost claiming his innocence. Anyway, their was alot more to the story and it was very interesting. I'm sure they will show it again if you didn't see it
  18. If the giants are smart, they will hold out on making a trade as long as possible. As a fan I hope they make a trade soon, but I have a feeling it may go all the way to draft night
  19. Off topic, I didn't wanna start a new thread, but didn't we re sign deonte Thompson? I just read he's on a visit with the cowboys?
  20. I've followed zay on Instagram and Twitter since he became a bill. He's been nothing but class and if you've ever heard him in an interview, he's humble and well spoken. I know he's young and kids make stupid decisions, but I'd be surprised if he intentionally took some kind of drug. I wonder if he got slipped something. Maybe him and his brother were at a bar and and someone slipped something in his drink(ive personally had this happen). Either way, I hope he is OK and hope he remains a bill
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