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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. How did this dude go so nuts in such a short time? I know he had issues previously, but he's talked many times how it's in the past and he's a new man etc.
  2. I've stated here many times that I'm a Peterman fan. While I dont know if he's ready to be the starter, I do think he's gonna impress people this year. He's the only qb we have that has any experience with our current offense. McCarron might be good, he also might be terrible. As crazy as it sounds, Peterman is the most proven qb we have on our roster currently. Yes, 5 interceptions I know, but let's let by gones be by gones. Either way, I just want the best qb starting
  3. I'd say this definitely wins for a modern day song
  4. Streater was on fire last year until he got hurt. Pretty sure at one point he hadent dropped a single pass in camp. That's insane. He could be a hidden gem. Hoping he lights it up this year
  5. I actually think McCarron will end up being cut during training camp or shortly before the season. Imo Peterman and Allen probably arnt much worse or much better
  6. I know it's not a Netflix or Hulu show, but I've actually been digging "the crossing" on ABC. It's on Monday nights at 10pm. Good story. Don't know where they're gonna go with it, but so far it's holding my interest well
  7. Finished season 1 today. One of my favorite shows I've watched in a while. The Johnny Lawrence character makes the entire show. His attitude towards life and karate is hilarious. This show will be huge. Give it a month or two. The final episode was awesome. Wish I could say more but don't want to ruin it for anyone
  8. He was a huge douche bag in the original. Actually in all 3 original movies. I think how they've portrayed Johnny and Daniel in modern day is prefect. I find it hysterical that both characters can't get over their past. It's incredibly dumb and awesome at the same time.
  9. Watched the 1st episode. Outstanding.
  10. Im very late to this thread, but I think the simple answer to the original post is that pegula handed over authority and control to McDermott after the Rex mess. Terry probably took a step back after firing Rex and realized that maybe it's not as easy as he originally thought
  11. I agree completely, but unfortunately the NFL doesn't
  12. I've been trying to think of a way that you can keep kickoffs in the game while at the same time making them more safe for players. According to the NFL, players are 5 times more likely to get a concussion during kickoffs. So here's my idea and I think it would make kickoffs more exciting, and more safe. Keep the kickoff at the 35 yard line, but instead of having the other 10 players behind the 35 before kickoff, they can line up at the 45 yard line. So essentially the kicker is 10 yards behind the rest of the team. The receiving team would also line up at their 45, minus the kick returner, who would be back by the endzone like normal. Here's where safety part comes in. Normally as soon as the ball is kicked, players start charging down field to tackle the kick returner, this is where the concussions come into play. So now, instead of guys charging down field as soon as the ball is kicked, neither teams players can cross the 45 yard line until the kick returner catches the ball and either runs it out or downs it in the endzone for a touch back(which nobody would really do because the other team can't move until the ball is caught). If the kick returner drops the ball, it's an automatic dead ball and the offense takes over from the dead ball spot (unless it's in the endzone and it'd be an automatic touch back). For on sides kicks, id keep the rules in place that we have now. You would basically lose the ability to fake a kickoff and do an on side kick, but it's better than losing kickoffs completely Imo. Anyway, just an idea I came up with. I know they're having meetings about this currently and I fear they will remove kickoffs completely
  13. I think Russ is gonna take alot of flack and it's unfortunate because he did do alot for the bills. I don't know the situation and 8m not gonna sit here and judge a guy that I don't know whatsoever. If he did wrong, then he got what was coming to him, however I'm appreciative of him bringing the bills to Rochester for training camp and expanding the bills brand
  14. To be fair, we have two 5th round picks and an unknown 1st round pick. All 3 could potentially be terrible. I think aj or Peterman win the job this year and Im fine with either of them. I still have a special place in my heart for Peterman
  15. Schopp is so liberal it makes me want to puke. Yes the Twitter thing is/was bad, but cmon people, does nobody know what forgiveness and second chances are about? And, no matter who the bills drafter at quarterback, they were going to have to "overspend". They had to move up no matter what and not one of these qbs has proven himself at the NFL level.
  16. Last time we drafted a qb it was Ej Manuel. There is no comparison between Ej Manuel and Josh Allen. Then the bills tried to help him by getting him a star reciever in Watkins who didn't live up to expectations. Our current recievers are not as bad as everyone thinks.
  17. Starting to think the bills are gonna sign alot of undrafted offensive guys
  18. Still 3 picks to go, hopefully wide reciever and o line help
  19. This kinda thing is gonna happen more and more in the future. Think of how many future NFL players are 15/16 years old right now tweeting/instagraming stuff that will come back to haunt them
  20. I'm not too worried about it. Our new oc has alot of experience in both the NFL and college level
  21. Not a huge surprise. Jets and giants being in New York probably won't gain huge ratings. No surprise the two teams with the biggest qb needs garnered the highest ratings
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