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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. Not one mention of "that thing you do"?
  2. T. O. Is the absolute last person the bills current front office would ever bring in. He could catch 40 tds and the bills still wouldnt sign him. However, you are correct that some d bag here will make a new thread about it
  3. Lol, no inside joke, my phone litterally did that all 3 times. I noticed it when I typed that post but found it kinda funny so I left it
  4. He was kinda known for not being the most high charecter guy when he was in Philly. The last 2 years though, he's seemed to clean his act up a bit and be that high charecter guy the bills front office wants. Obviously the most recent incident is still up in the air, but for the most part he HAS been a high chatecyer guy for the bills
  5. Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Lauren hall on the bills interwebs lately...
  6. Back in November I had one of the lenses fall off/burn out and it cost me $250 to repair. Not cheap, but cheaper than buying a new TV. About 2 weeks ago, I had 2 more burn out and have no sound out of the TV speakers. It's in the shop again (this time under an extended warranty I purchased after the last breakdown) so fortunately I don't have to pay this time. The guy who's fixing it told me about the back light thing. He said they see this issue constantly because people turn the back light all the way up because the picture looks best that way, but unfortunately crap these tvs out alot faster. He did say that adjusting the brightness won't effect anything, just the back light
  7. Today I learned that back lights on led TVs should not be set above 75%. Setting them above that can burn out the led lenses and be costly to repair. I also learned that most TV manufacturers allow the back light to be set brighter than theyre supposed to be set. Probably so you have to replace your tv more frequently
  8. I kinda feel bad for Mccoy. I feel like he got wrapped up in a bad relationship with a crazy chic and tried to do the right thing multiple times and now he's got this mess on his plate. We'll see what happens, but that's my gut feeling
  9. You must have forgot his run straight to the sideline from the yard of scrimmage style of running
  10. Still though, it doesn't make sense. A plane ticket to Atlanta is what a few hundred bucks? Instead he hires somebody to jack up his ex gf? Just seems absurd.
  11. I am purely speculating here, but that's just too much a coincidence for this to just come out right before court. I smell fish
  12. If she was at MCCOY'S house, why would he hire someone to go to HIS house and get his stuff? How about he just goes to HIS house and gets it? Why would anyone hire someone to go to their house to demand their stuff? Makes no sense.
  13. Ya, honestly I'm not gonna defend him until he's proven innocent, but these allegations are just horrendous and I'm having a hard time believing them. I hope for his and her sake they are untrue, and whoever is at fault here gets the help they need
  14. I'm sure many will disagree but : Jp losman Trent Edwards Aaron maybin Cornell green Ej manuel Mike tolbert Mike williams Josh reed The kicker who replaced Ryan Lindell when he got injured I'm sure I'll think of more
  15. Well now I wanna know what you said. I didn't see it
  16. I'm sure someone's already mentioned it, but she litterally posts 10 pics a day on her instagram/snapchat of her ass and boobs. Not saying they don't have their marital issues, but she's upset that he's partying all the time when they have a young child, yet she's posting half naked photos of herself all day. I mean... Gotta find a balance here
  17. Landry hasent exactly had fantastic qbs throwing to him the last few seasons. Tyrod probably does look awesome to him. Also, Landry is gonna be tyrods #1 reciever. Having said that, Tyrod had 3 seasons here to show us he was a franchise qb. He averaged about 185 yards per game in all 3 seasons. That's putrid. I don't care if he throws for 6000 yards this season, the bills were right to trade him
  18. They should've went with "this is just the start" from Kyle's locker room speach after the Miami game last year
  19. Huge fail? How so? We have 3 unproven qbs on our roster. There is no guarantee McCarron is any good and no guarantee that allen will start this year. At the end of the day, if Peterman is our best chance to win, then play him
  20. I don't think him starting is that far fetched either. If McCarron isn't good and Allen isn't ready, Peterman is our best hope. I've said it before, and as ridiculous as it may sound, Peterman is the most nfl proven qb we have on our roster.
  21. I would say the lost world was better than the new one. At least story wise. While lost world wasn't great, the story made sense and didn't get absurd. The newest one to me took a really stupid turn at the very end. I also found the story of the newest one kinda dumb and somewhat boring. It had entertaining moments, but the more I think about it, the more I disliked the movie
  22. Don't get me wrong, in a perfect world, nobody would drive under the influence of anything, but we all know better.
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