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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. Murphys been pretty annoying about Allen Imo. Super Homer about him and the bills. I get it, they're bills employees, but still.
  2. Holy smokes. So 5 calls later I finally got the Sunday ticket. Read my previous posts if you like. Directv finally offered me a $60 bill credit, so basically I'm getting it free
  3. Well on the contrary, all Murphys done is pimp Josh allen and talk about him like he's Brady. So I guess there's a balance.
  4. My theory is (sorry if already stated) that when he retired from football, he either started taking stereroids, or maybe went off his meds. It's so odd that he was such a high charecter guy when he was with the bills. He was such a great comeback story. Obviously something isn't right in his head, but I do think it's somehow drug related (on or off them)
  5. When does the bills one come out? I love these, they're hilarious
  6. WOW. That's an awesome deal. What a crock though. I signed a new 2 year deal with them about a month ago. When I specifically asked for the Sunday ticket free, I got denied.
  7. I was speaking to the loyalty department. The only thing this chic seemed interested in was signing me up for AT&T cell service. I'll give it a few days and try again.
  8. I don't get his obsession with Tyrod. He always defends him anytime someone calls and says he wasn't good. Tyrod was good at a few things and that's about it. He wasn't good at throwing the ball or reading the field. Schoop is almost borderline when it comes to if the bills should've let Tyrod go. Then there's the Lamar Jackson crap he spewed before the draft. Jackson is a long way off from being a legit starting qb. He looked downright awful last night. I'd even say Ej manuel looked like Drew brees in preseason compared to him. I do think he makes some good points sometimes, but 99% of the time he sounds like he hates his life. Bulldog Imo is a much more down to earth, logical host vs schoop
  9. I've called now 3 times. All I want is a discount off Sunday ticket. When I called 2 weeks ago, the chic told me if I signed up for showtime I could recieve Sunday ticket for $100 for the season. Gave me half off showtime for the year, and told me to call back the next week for the promotion. Even gave me a reference number. Called back today and the chic I spoke with had no clue what I was talking about. Then proceeded to try and get me to switch my cell service from Verizon to AT&T. I was like, I'm just trying to get a discount on the Sunday ticket. So, no discount and who knows Wtf that chic the other week was talking about with showtime
  10. I can't believe there was actually people who wanted the bills to take Lamar Jackson in the draft
  11. I'm curious as to why the bills announced this? Not that it's a bad thing, but they were so secretive the last few weeks. Now they're announcing it on Monday? I almost wonder if it's to see how Allen handles the hype. Obviously it'll be talked about all week in the media and I'm sure at some point allen will talk to the media. This seems like a McDermott test
  12. Still wouldnt be shocked if Peterman starts the season, but if this is a true competition, Allen has to get his start with the 1st team. If he impresses this Sunday, I'm all for starting him in the regular season. If he has a bad game, then maybe he's not ready
  13. Nice. I think the coaches know what they have in Peterman. Time to see what Allen's got
  14. Dont forget, in the glory years, we had home playoff games that didn't sell out. That seems like insanity nowadays
  15. I've said, and I'll stick to it, that whoever gives us the best chance to win should start at qb. Having said that, if Allen had Peterman's stats this pre season, people would be crowning him the next Brady. If Peterman never started that Chargers game last year and had the same stats this pre season, people would be in love with him. That Chargers game left an un healable scar for alot of fans. I'm convinced at this point that there is absolutely nothing Peterman could do that would change some fans minds
  16. I'm surprised the home opener has that many left. I figured after Allen and Peterman playing good, those first few home games wouldve been sold out by now
  17. One thing that would probably help, and probably won't ever happen , is if teams game planned for pre season. I know they won't cuz they don't wanna show the offense and defense, but it'd probably save some players. I feel like pre season football is partly backyard football. Just go out there and do whatever
  18. McDermott - "we want to get a 2nd opinion" Translation - "we're trying to figure out if we can waive him, cut him or place him on injured reserve"
  19. Ya know what's super annoying about all this? McDermott probably knows who his starting qb is, but guess when we're gonna find out? Sunday September 9th
  20. He's out of the division and that's all that matters
  21. The Patriots letting him go has to be one of their worst decisions ever. Probably could've kept that dynasty alive another 10 years with him. Fortunately for us bills fans, they made a bad mistake
  22. Love him or hate him, Peterman has played Damm good in these 2 games. I want whoever is the better qb to start. There is a large crowd of people that just want Allen to start no matter what, I'm just in the boat of start whoever gives us the best chance this year. Yes, allen is the better talent, but he's also a rookie and there will be growing pains. Peterman has the advantage of having already faced about the worst adversity a qb could face (5 it's in a half) and has appeared to overcome it and improve. So he may have the upper hand, at least for now. Like I said, just start who gives us the best chance
  23. Still need to see him with the 1st team before I go all in on starting Allen.
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