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Everything posted by Steptide

  1. Like I said, it could be true or it could be complete non sense. Dittulio isn't a drama queen sports guy though. It's not like he's trying to get a job at ESPN. I believe that he probably did hear it from a reliable source, but still doesn't make it true necessarily
  2. Don't take it so personally. Just something I heard in the radio. Also, he is a pretty good sports guy. Not some Joe blow just looking to make waves. I could see 8t being true as much as I coukd see it not being true. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter, because Peterman isn't the future
  3. Off topic, but today I was listening to a local talk show in Rochester. One of the hosts, who's a well known sports guy in Rochester, was talking about how the Pegulas, or Terry, are the reason for the whole Peterman debacle. Said a source close to the team said Terry was in love with Peterman and is the reason he started against the Chargers last year and then again at the beggining of this season. Also the reason he's still on this team. He didn't say the source, but said if he could say the source, we'd all know it was 100% credible. Anyways, it was pretty interesting. Don't know if any other Rochester folk here heard it
  4. When McCarron was traded, I would've taken Ej back in a heartbeat as a failsafe for Peterman. If Peterman stunk it up, which he did, put him on the practice squad and let Ej be the backup. Imo Ej could probably teach Allen more than Anderson. Both were 1st round picks, and Ej is much younger and Allen could probably relate to him much more.
  5. I've felt bad for him after every game he's started (minus indy last year). We all know he's terrible, BUT any guy in his shoes would do the same thing. He's a human being, I'm not gonna tear the guy apart. He'll never be a legit starter in the NFL, but I do think with time he could be a legit back up, which is probably why he was drafted in the first place. He's probably one of, if not the worst starting qb ever in the NFL. That can't be an easy pill to swallow, but he handles it very well and at the very least I'll give him credit for that
  6. Where do you live? The public market here in Rochester sells some legit coffee. Ethiopian, Guatemalan etc. Stuff is legit vs the name brand store bought garbage
  7. I say start him. Seriously Anderson sucks. Dont care or need to see him play. If Allen is healthy, play him obviously, but if not let Peterman play. I realize how awful Peterman is, but MAYBE he can develop into a decent backup
  8. Ya but if it's in within 1 yard, why not just tackle all the recievers to the ground? If it's not pass interference, why not?
  9. You didn't know? Blue collar, playing in bad weather conditions, style football. Whatever tf that means anyways
  10. It's a stupid rule Imo. Chances are the defender wouldnt have time to realize the reciever is only within 1 yard of the line. If a team had a 3rd and 1 or 4th and 1, why would a defense not just blow up every reciever immediately? It's legal right? The rule seems stupid
  11. Watching these 2 teams as a bills fan is depressing. We're so far away from the type of offenses these teams have
  12. I'd be shocked if Anderson is still in cuncussion protocol this week
  13. It is crazy to think that our last 2 offensive tds came at the hands of Peterman.
  14. Many many players of faith have been cut or traded from this roster. McDermott's obsession with Peterman is simple : pride. He does not want to accept the fact that a guy he drafted (prior) to beane being here is as bad as he is. Remember Gaileys obsession with Fitz? Just repeatedly stood behind him no matter how bad he was
  15. He won't get cut, they'll put him on the practice squad
  16. Browns picked up some good players and they had 1 win in 2 seasons. We'll be alright.
  17. Cut him a little slack, probably only 70 million after taxes
  18. I still can't figure out how Anderson has a concusion , was never hit in the head
  19. Pretty nice they upgraded everyone to Sunday ticket max
  20. This actually isn't a terrible idea and an awesome way for Peterman to troll their defense
  21. I dunno, I think u can. Have we ever seen Peterman throw a dump off to a running back? Or how about quick slants like the one in the Chargers game last year where Benjamin got hurt. These are typically pretty safe throws. U could run alot of 2 back sets. Give him a fail safe. Just saying, they can do things to protect him from himself
  22. Not a single practice all week and they'd start him Sunday? That seems crazy. I know Peterman isn't good, but you can cater the game plan to set him up to succeed (ie do not throw to the sidelines)
  23. 33/41 431 yards, 3tds, 1 int. 80% completion percentage
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