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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I think what it might mean is that Josh needs to learn when to take the short stuff, and keep the chains moving instead of playing “hero ball”… Guys are constantly open in the short to intermediate range and, far too often, Josh will take the low percentage deep shot- especially when you only need a few yards for the first down…
  2. I would have to disagree…I think public school education has been dumbed down over the years, in an attempt to pass more students through the system…. These people are animals…smh
  3. Sooo…is her complaint that she wanted to be the first to do it instead? 🤔
  4. Which one sounds worse to you…? 1- A young couple getting married at 16… or 2- A young person getting sex change treatment at 16…
  5. They just can’t quit The Donald… Just like @BillStime , who is already getting his popcorn ready, right next to his poster of Hillary’s feet…Secretly I’m sure he wishes those feet were at the bottom of his bowl of popcorn…🤣🤣🤣
  6. I’m sure this was probably answered already, but I couldn’t go through 25 pages to look for it… But was it said why the guy fell so far if he was an all-American? I can’t help but be reminded of Cody Ford when everyone thought he was a first round talent who fell to us in the 2nd…And then we found out why the rest of the league let him fall… So if anyone has any insight why this guy fell, it would be greatly appreciated…👍
  7. “Elite hands”…or in other words- “The Anti-Knox” 😉
  8. He was one of the 4 guys I listed in the 1st round, that I absolutely had to have…👍 Funny thing is, I just watched a crap ton of his highlight videos last night, and I don’t know how it’s possible, but he looked even more amazing than the first time… With the defense doubling Diggs, this guy’s gonna eat like crazy! 👍
  9. Agreed- this is what I shall call him 👍
  10. He looks like Trumaine…🤣🤣🤣
  11. No more trading up, especially for a LB
  12. This is spot where Humphrey was taken…Let’s see if the Bills make up for missing that pick…👍
  13. BPA Please Beane!!!! No reaching !
  14. Unless Beane pulls another “Terrell Bernard”…😉
  15. Looks like we are now definitely getting one of these guys? Now 6 picks out…👍
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