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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I chose Pfizer, because just like pushing vaccines on kids, they (and other pharmaceutical companies) are also behind pushing gender treatments on kids, that will be needed for the rest of their lives… Can you see the correlation?
  2. Boy, did you ever pick a fitting gif for yourself…Probably one of the few times I actually agree with you…well done…👍
  3. Well that’s an easy question…😉 @BillStime is that stupid for two main reasons… #1- because he never does any self reflection…He never challenges his own ideas and beliefs, because in his mind, he is the smartest person in the room…So there is no need… #2- He does not care about Truth, or having the best and most efficient idea…All he values is winning…”It’s all politics” he once told me…And it was at this point I realized, because of that statement, Billsy was not a person you could ever really have a genuine dialogue with. If you were considered the political opposition, you could have a more efficient solution to an issue, but Billsy would always disagree simply because you were the “other side”. This, however, often left Billsy looking stupid and foolish on some issues, mainly because his ego governed his emotions, which, in turn, regurgitated a response- often one filled with swearing and name calling to protect his fragile ego… Obviously, we all wish him well in his future endeavors…But, at this point, it’s looking more and more like a lost cause…😉
  4. Yes…it’s gotta be unpleasant for you to see that what you refer to as winning is actually a sad state of affairs for most of the country… https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read/poll-finds-71-americans-believe-country-wrong-track-rcna68138 So drink up little buddy, you’ve got a big celebration tonight…🍺🤣
  5. Don’t get all defensive just because you can’t come up with an adequate response…Gosh, Billsy, I’m not that judgmental…I’ll give you the time you need…😉
  6. -On the verge of WW3 -Dollar and the economy on the verge of collapsing -Education rapidly deteriorating -Mental illness and suicide at an all-time high -Black on black crime at an all time high -Homelessness at an all time high If this is your idea of winning, then congratulations on getting everything you wanted…👍
  7. Absolutely…just like when Pfizer KNEW they had done no research on side effects, or whether the vaccine stopped transmission and contraction, they pushed for full mandates anyway… They were fine with the risks because the treatment was experimental and making them money- just like gender treatment…They don’t give a damn…👍
  8. Are you insinuating that the Democrats are not the party of personal responsibility? 🤔 Interesting subconscious confession…
  9. I would for other serious posters, but you are not worth my time…You don’t genuinely care…sorry Billsy- but everyone knows it…your reputation precedes you…
  10. You’re right- it’s not just “Trans” kids with mental illness… But there certainly is a correlation between the increase in the promotion of Trans Ideology, mental illness, and suicide…One could even argue a direct correlation…👍
  11. Yup…in addition, where were the high rates of suicide in the past, when previous generations did not affirm “Trans” kids? 🤔 Hint- it never existed…In fact, the increasing number of suicides only started when Trans Ideology started being introduced, and increased the promotion of mental illness…
  12. Fact Check: Biden gives DISINFORMATION about Covid vaccines… And I say disinformation instead of misinformation because it was intentionally misleading…We now know this due to Pfizer’s own testimony that they did NOT test the vaccine to see if it stopped transmission or contraction…
  13. Now that Josh is the new “franchise” I kind of want him to stay in the same uni his whole career…Our current uni’s now represent “The Josh Allen Era…Similar to the old Patriot uni’s representing the Tom Brady Era…👍
  14. Just a thought- what if this guy turns into a dominant strong safety! 🤔 Either way, as long as he works out, I’m down…👍
  15. Nope! Kincaid is gonna change Allen’s life, Skippy! 🤣🤣🤣
  16. I guarantee we will be resigning Kincaid…5yrs/$100 mil when his rookie contract expires…he will be that good! 👍
  17. I’m sure American patriot @BillStime won’t like the sound of this…He certainly does not support the radical Marxists trying to tear down our American institutions…👍
  18. Agreed- and the same can also be said for basic math skills and literacy as well… Most inner city kids that graduate high school can’t read higher than a 5th grade level…
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