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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. That males are not females…that’s a pretty good start…👍
  2. Who wouldn’t wanna bang Josh Allen? I’m not even gay, and I still can’t can’t guarantee that I don’t want to…
  3. I probably got kids around somewhere…God, I can’t wait to meet them! 😉
  4. I predicted this 3 years ago…Only a matter of time until MAPS are accepted into the LGBT community… Logically, the Left HAS to accept them- if they truly believe anything they say- which is that people can’t help the way they are born (which is what MAPS are claiming)…
  5. He was 1 of 4 players I posted that I HAD to have in the draft to be excited about the pick…And IIRC there were several fans who loved the idea of Kincaid to the Bills, as well…👍
  6. While I think Trump is a little crazy, I still feel his foreign and domestic policies are better than Biden’s…👍 But I admit, it was entertaining, and I certainly chuckled a little…😉
  7. As far as foreign and domestic policy goes, I definitely like what I’m hearing from Trump’s town hall better than Biden’s policies… Just sounds more rational than what Biden is doing…👍
  8. Fox really made a martyr out of this guy- while digging their own grave at the same time…
  9. The Left just can’t seem to shake their infamous past…🤣
  10. No…Kid grew up on a farm…he has “levelheaded-ness” ingrained in him…👍
  11. Meh…You probably think the Ukraine War started when Russia invaded…try reading/watching other things beside US MSM…There’s a whole world out there just waiting for you Billsy…😉
  12. The “grievance hustlers” can never run out of grievances…If everyone was doing well, these people would be out of jobs… Therefore, their mission is to make sure people always stay angry, resentful, and ungrateful…
  13. Remember kids- Logic and critical thinking is white supremacy…😉
  14. Almost seems like what Satan must have sounded like when he was kicked of heaven for thinking he was better than God…🤔
  15. Yup- you never have to question whether she settled…😉
  16. Well, when you’re as awesome as he is, he can pretty much get away with wearing whatever he wants…👍 Might be time to dump the wife if she thinks rat face is attractive…😉
  17. I agree with this concept…my only concern is are we changing so fast that we aren’t able to stop and analyze whether the changes being made are actually more helpful or more harmful? People always get excited about new things and new fads…But are these things the wisest course of action…Technology has certainly contributed to this “cultural crossroads”…
  18. In many instances, it is… Not all people who identify as transgender have gender dysphoria…Many identify that way for many reasons, including (but not limited to) social contagion, political beliefs, resentment (for any given reason) towards the greater society and societal structure, disagreements with traditional gender roles, not liking the way they look, people who feel they were given the “short end of the stick” in some way, or people who were bullied or made fun of when they were younger and are looking for some way of belonging… Imo what actually began as a dysphoria generations ago has evolved into a religion that encompasses many different grievances with nature and the natural order of things…And it has now become a political movement…
  19. I think it’s because the parents are being lied to for ideological and monetary purposes… #1 Parents are told that the treatments are reversible, which is a lie…You cannot undo chemical castration…And you cannot just put puberty on pause and start it up any time you want, and expect to have natural and normal body changes…It doesn’t work that way… #2 Parents are given the false dichotomy of either having an opposite sex child or having a dead child…Fact of the matter is that there are still many, who even after transitioning, are still depressed and still committing suicide…
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