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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Why is it so hard for the Left to not lie? Oh yeah, because the Left does not believe in Truth- all they know is power, and whatever fake story helps to get it for them…that’s when you know you’re in a cult…sad, really…👎
  2. I got a good feeling about this guy 👍
  3. Just trying to help your friend so he doesn’t stay stuck in an endless loop…👍 Might feel nice for him, being able to have a normal conversation once in a while…know what I mean? 😉
  4. TDS- aka Mass Formation Psychosis… This is when something or someone has such an emotional and irrational hold on your mental capacity, that you sacrifice all your intellect, all your values, and all the people you love if they dissent in any way from your psychosis…
  5. Honestly, though? When’s the last time a white person stole something from a group of black guys in an urban community- let alone a pregnant white woman….🤣🤣🤣 Gotta use common sense, people…it will set you free…👍
  6. Yup- on all the Dems who concocted the Russia Hoax…😉
  7. So many liars, so little time…Obama and Biden also aware of Hillary’s plan…tell me more…🤣🤣🤣
  8. I’m telling you, don’t be surprised if he turns into an all pro strong safety…he’s got the speed, power and hands…👍
  9. CNN’s Jake Tapper: Durham report is devastating to Democrats…
  10. LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣 You guys are hilarious! You spend the last 5 years denying the validity of the Russia Hoax…Then when the report finally comes out, you claim it’s a “nothing burger” because it’s stuff we already knew…
  11. We always knew they could and would never acknowledge the truth…the MSM was guaranteed that Trump was guilty by the Dems…so they are still holding out hope- they don’t wanna call it too soon…🤣🤣🤣
  12. It’s because they are the OG’s of racism- it’s just expected…😉
  13. Watergate was about stolen documents, and Nixon covering it up… Russia Hoax was an attempt to criminally frame a presidential candidate… Both are clearly wrong- but the latter is soooo much worse! 👍
  14. Billsy, what do you think of the Kincaid pick? I’m on the football forum often and I never see you there…Are you actually a fan, or do you just use the website for politics? It’s ok either way…just curious…👍
  15. Absolutely! I used to drive a truck with a Transgender, who was in the process of growing out his titties…I would see the endless medication he would take on a daily basis..:And he would even confide in me how mentally F’d up he and his other trans friends were…I really felt bad for him because he seemed like a nice guy… You have to understand that “Transgender” is not just about gender dysphoria…It’s an umbrella term for people who, who are “outsiders” and just looking to fit in to the latest trend, or people who have mental disorders, or people who are just generally depressed from certain traumatic experience, or it can just be people who like to do things typically associated with the opposite sex..: So, you’re a female that likes to work on cars…so you’re a guy who’s into fashion…so what? But by teaching and encouraging kids that they’re in the wrong body, society is only reinforcing the same gender stereotypes that the Left has fought against for generations… ”Nope! If you do this, you must be a girl…if you act that way, then maybe you’re a boy…” And again, I cannot overstate this, but the transgender movement is NOT a grassroots movement…It is being bought and paid for by wealthy globalists (Warren Buffett and Bill Gates pumping billions into gender education and entertainment industry, just to name a few) to, not only make money off of lifetime customers, but to destabilize society and rebuild it into a new age authoritarian State…”Transgender” is just the top of the iceberg, and the pathway to Trans Humanism…👍
  16. We are not talking about gay or straight…we are talking about a religious cult (paid for by billionaire elites) that is brainwashing weak minded people into destroying what nature created- just to satisfy a “socially constructed” stereotype of what it means to be male or female… It’s a sick and twisted EXPERIMENT, and borderline evil imo…
  17. They wouldn’t be crying if they hadn’t been brainwashed into the Cult’s ideology… You don’t see any Bushman of the Kalahari crying over not getting “Transgender treatment”…🤔
  18. This has got to be the most re-tarded $h!# I have ever seen! 🤣🤣🤣 I will NEVER conform to this fake a$$ garbage…
  19. Yup- especially when people feel they will lose their donors…it’s all about money…
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