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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. You’re absolutely right- because no one lights up a room like “Tales From The Crypt” Joe Biden…😉
  2. But this just goes to show you that the mental state of @BillStime is just as delusional as a dude that thinks he can ovulate…😉
  3. Oh, Billsy…You can never just have a normal conversation without accusing dissenters as being the worst type of human being… I would normally refer to this type of behavior as being “grade school”- because it’s what a child would do when they aren’t articulate enough to illustrate their own point, unable and unwilling to agree to disagree…. But I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, because (contrary to most on this forum) I actually think you are smart enough to know what you’re doing…And that’s why I have always, and will continue to refer to you as, simply, a disingenuous poster…👍
  4. You wish there was hypocrisy, my friend, so that you can claim the little victory you so desperately crave…Your reputation precedes you, which makes it so fun to debate you, when I can do so without those same base desires and restrictions…😎 However, my views on the subject have never changed…And I am opposed to bullying of any kind…But just because someone disagrees with you on something doesn’t make them a racist, homophobe, transphobe, a Nazi, or a bully…It just makes them a person who disagrees with you- and that’s ok…👍 PS…I’m so glad that you reposted my thread in your response, for all to see… because it proves that your argument, of me bullying, was completely fabricated and made up…so thank you…And actually it was the Trans shooter who acted as the bully that day- don’t you agree?
  5. I think you may be confusing “bullying” with the recognition that we have a major mental illness crisis that needs to be dealt with…And by dealing with it, I don’t mean affirming it… Otherwise, as we have seen in recent years, the insane will be running the asylum- and none of us should want that…👍
  6. Not at all…And I never said that… I simply responded to your question of why suicide rates are so high in that community… It’s got to be extremely difficult to live incongruent to nature…And the mental war raging on the inside of these people likely contributes to an unbearable depression…It’s extremely sad… These people don’t deserve bullying, but rather our prayers…👍
  7. Well, I don’t consider restricting books from minors as “banning books”… Like I said before, are rated “R” movies considered “banning movies” because they are restricted from minors due to specific content? Is it considered “banning” if Playboy/Playgirl aren’t allowed in schools? Of course not, and it’s ridiculous to think so…But I feel the Left really likes labels- and it seems their strategy, for a long time, is to try to associate Republicans or conservatives as Nazis (the OG’s of book banning/burning)…And that’s why the Left tries to associate the Right as “banning books” when that’s not what’s happening at all… In fact, if we are being honest with ourselves, the Right AND Left do the exact same thing with regards to school book selection- the only difference being the values that each side has for the selection process…👍
  8. I believe I’ve been quite consistent…care to elaborate?
  9. If government authorities feel there is divisive racist, woke, or LGBT content in the poem, I have no problem with not allowing it in schools…Besides, students have access to Google if they really want to read it…👍 As far as books being pulled within 5 days of a complaint, for further review, this sounds reasonable…If there were books in schools that supported discrimination, I would definitely want this process, and you should too…👍
  10. Lol- he was one of 4 players that I really wanted with our first pick to get me excited about the upcoming season…👍
  11. That’s the beauty of America- you can live in a particular community that shares your values… If you prefer more traditional values to raise your families, you can move to places where those politicians are elected… If you prefer a more progressive community, and support your kids being brainwashed into changing their gender, then there are several options where people vote for those types of politicians…👍
  12. Every day I still can’t believe this guy is a Buffalo Bill…
  13. You mean like the US owns Zelensky, after helping to overthrow the Ukrainian government in favor of a puppet leader to do America’s bidding? Gee, where have I heard this broken record before? 🤔
  14. Lol 😂 This is the best you got? especially after following the previous several posts…🤣🤣 Not up to par…
  15. Ha! I was just thinking the same thing… You would think the “law of averages” would create situations when voting errors would benefit the Right- buuuut we don’t really ever see it work out that way…🤔
  16. I’m simply asking if you think the examples I listed are considered to be “banning books”? My point is that, by your logic, you would have to say yes… Why? Because the truth of the matter is that your logic paints you into a corner when you play out your rationale to its fullest logical conclusion… We ALL know that a real book banning (or burning) as we saw in Nazi Germany (which I presume is what the Left is attempting to portray conservatives as, given their playbook) is when books are eradicated from an ENTIRE society and made illegal…But the books being restricted from schools are still allowed in society- just not to minors in public schools… And this is nothing new. Not allowing minors to view certain materials (deemed adult content) has been a concept that’s been around since the beginning of time…It’s like movies being rated “R”- restricted from minors…Would you consider rated “R” movies as “banning movies”? Of course not…That would be ridiculous…👍 This is why I asked you about those specific examples- because the same “book banning” claim can be made by the other political side of the aisle as well- using your logic…So, imo, you either have to believe BOTH sides are “banning books” or neither side is…👍
  17. I truly enjoy the fake narrative of “book banning” by the Left…🤣 Does that mean that there’s a book banning of Penthouse magazine , too, because it’s not allowed in elementary school libraries? How about a book banning of the Bible or the Torah? To Kill A Mockingbird? Dr. Seuss?😉 Why does the Left insist on banning books? 😎
  18. The Left is just one big “Jussie Smollett” over and over again… It’s become so obvious with each new fake story they try to push, any time they speak, more and more people just expect it to be a lie- because they’ve proven time and again to be disingenuous… However, when DeSantis speaks, there’s an authenticity on display of not only does the man know what he’s talking about (he’s very intelligent) but he means what he says, and doesn’t need to waste people’s time with fake narratives because he is confidently speaking Truth…
  19. This is completely understandable, and should not come as a surprise when there are several candidates, from both parties, who would be an upgrade over Biden…👍
  20. Why wait? Just use AI to create your own Boebert porn ya filthy animal…😉
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