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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. This team was night and day compared to the end of the year…shame…so much hope early on…
  2. Can’t help when my abs start hurting…😉
  3. Only way I see them doing this is if they are trying to free up cap space for another signing, combined with this Oliver contract having an easy out after a year or two…👍
  4. I ain’t ridin’ nothin’ for that long….
  5. Booooo… Now, 2 bad contracts in a row with Dawson Knox and Oliver…👎
  6. You need permission to sing the National Anthem in DC??? 🤣🤣🤣 Just think, for a moment, how ridiculous this sounds… Is that you, Billsy? 😉
  7. The best part is the African tribe laughing at the notion of a man becoming a woman…priceless…👍 So glad tens of millions of people are seeing this documentary…#TowerOfBabel…
  8. I’m sure @BillStime will be pissed- probably one of the more patriotic guys on here…😉
  9. I would agree with this….But then the question arises- What constitutes “hurting someone”? Because both sides will give you different answers…then what?
  10. LMAO! Emma says the quiet part out loud…But we already knew the radical Left didn’t care about science…😉 So, now this has become a war between people who believe in a scientific reality, and religious fanatics…That’s why so many rational liberals, like Brett Weinstein, are joining moderates and conservatives on the Trans issue…
  11. Meh…who needs science when you have religion- Wokism, that is…😉 I’m sure @BillStime is thrilled…😉
  12. If DH goes to the Pats he’s either an idiot or a genius 😉
  13. I go back to a wise saying- “A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush”. Basically, if you have a shot at a top player, during a time that you are a superbowl contender, you take it…👍
  14. Honestly? I have a hard time seeing how we stop both Kelce AND Hopkins- if he ends up going to KC…We can barely beat them with just Kelce… Also, signing DeAndre kills two birds with one stone- improving the Bills, and keeping him away from improving our rivals…One could argue that Beane is almost forced to find a way to get him, or he’s essentially sealing the fate of the 2023 Bills…
  15. Josh can never seem to hide his red face! 🤣🤣
  16. This post is @BillStime thinking he can ovulate…sooo possessed by his delusion, he doesn’t even realize everyone is laughing at him…🤣🤣🤣
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