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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Really, this is the best response you could come up with, especially after all that time to think of something with substance? I’m giving legit talking points that are very prevalent in society…You respond with “sideshow” deflection and distraction… Why are you so afraid to discuss the origins of the ideology you support? You disappoint me, my friend…
  2. Well, according to the views and people you support, unless you support their woke Marxism, you are considered a white supremacist fascist… So, even if you refuse to pick a side, Marxists will pick a side for you… Thats how they get away with calling black liberals/conservatives the “black face of white supremacy”- You are either on the side of the Marxist, or you are a fascist, according to the people and views you support…
  3. No, you’re not nuts… You just have to realize that it is a religion, in which the Woke HAVE to involve kids in order to have their next generation of foot soldiers… They know that because of their gay or Trans lifestyle they won’t be able to pro create enough support for the cause, so they are coming for everyone else’s kids…
  4. So intellectual, as usual… You probably didn’t even watch the video before commenting… And this is exactly how Marx viewed the world- as either communist or fascist- just like how you’ve adopted viewing the world (which is not true)… The only difference is you still seem to be a bit confused on who’s a communist and who’s a fascist…So sometimes you just throw out both labels at people…😉
  5. It’s so interesting, in the days since watching this video, it became so clear how people are being brainwashed to become agents (or activists) of Marxism, and they don’t even realize it… Unfortunately, little to they know, that the global religion they are helping to erect, will eventually become the very thing that enslaves them…They are essentially building their own prisons, with bricks and barbed wire- and gleefully doing so with smiles on their faces… Marx’s religion is EVERYWHERE in our society, and even conservative brands and companies are falling victim to it… It turns out, people like Senator McCarthy and George Orwell were right, all along…They could see what was coming generations before it fully materialized…
  6. I’ll agree to both if you will…😉
  7. Just a spoonful of woke helps the medicine go down- in the most delightful way…😉
  8. He’s likely waiting for a contender to make a better offer…
  9. So, this is likely the REAL reason Tucker was fired…FOX is remaking their brand after Wokeness, and Carlson didn’t fit in anymore…😉
  10. I would have to agree with this with the caveat that he certainly has the capability of being the MJ of the NFL if … 1- he improves his decision making and 2- he banishes “Sugar High Josh” to the Island of Misfit Toys…😉
  11. Regardless of your political leanings, if you have an ounce of historical or intellectual curiosity, you will not regret watching this 30 minute speech…Truly enlightening…Enjoy! 👍 Marxism is like a virus that, simply, evolves to infect a new host…
  12. @BillStime wouldn’t want it any other way…😉
  13. Meh…It’s not a classic @BillStime thread without Hillary’s feet…Swipe left…😉
  14. Very interesting… I’ve never been high on McD- didn’t think he had what it took to go all the way…But I accepted him because he was the Bills coach…But I always thought we should have let him go and promoted Daboll to HC…👍
  15. Yup… I wish Knox well…but let’s face it- it’s the Kincaid era now…👍
  16. Rumor has it that they gave him the wrong toy in his Happy Meal…😉
  17. Is that what the kids are calling it these days? 😜
  18. If there was a serious issue at hand, Diggs could of at least given the team a heads up/excuse…McD’s response suggests he did neither…Not only is it unprofessional, but most certainly not the actions you would expect from a captain…
  19. In order for us to win a Super Bowl, it is incumbent on Allen to maintain this level of patience…Hopefully it will come with experience and maturity as a QB…👍
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