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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. The team is forced to using him the way they do because his skill set is limited… Thats why I had mentioned earlier that his low catch rate is due to a combination of hands and lack of athleticism (meaning he is not quick twitch, to be able to give him easier routes)…👍
  2. “I b!#ch slapped a fisherman up side his head.” 🤣🤣🤣
  3. I think I need the Cliff’s Notes version…😉
  4. If you’re gonna go this route, then you’re essentially saying that Allen was the least accurate QB last year… If you’re not blaming Gabe for having the lowest catch rate in the league (either due to hands or lack of athleticism), then you HAVE to blame Josh- and I’m not willing to believe that in this case…
  5. Yup…And in all fairness, I fell for it too…I was young and dumb, and still riding the adrenaline of 9/11… Around 2005, I got fed up with the BS and turned against the first president I ever voted for… To this day I credit the George W administration for enlightening me to the never ending corruption of the US government, that unfortunately continued on after W… You see, it’s ok to be misled, and get something wrong- but we make ourselves into fools if we hold onto our partisan ways, knowing something is not right…👍
  6. Yeah but how are the pharmaceutical companies gonna make money off kids “growing out of it”? 😉
  7. James Lindsay expands on his recent viral lecture to the EU, in this interview with Jordan Peterson! Another great listen! 👍 PS- Peterson’s jacket is wild! LOL
  8. I’m telling ya, you should really give the video I posted in this thread a shot…I think you might be pleasantly surprised… Lindsay’s story is quite interesting…His PHD is in a particular mathematics that focuses on pattern recognition… He was never really into politics and considers himself a liberal (he even says he was actually an atheist for years)…But when he noticed Woke ideology starting to seep into the STEM classes he was taking, he decided to read and study everything he could find on the subject… The result was something he least expected to find…He was able to trace it roots back 175 years! Even if you don’t agree with everything he says, I have yet to hear anyone explain Wokeism like this before…Either way, I think you will enjoy it…👍
  9. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history There ya go, bud…I’ll let you catch up on some reading while I get some shut eye… But Billsy, always remember, whatever you read, Big Pharma only has your best interest at hand, and NEVER has any motivation to mislead you…sweet dreams, pumpkin- see you in the morning…😘
  10. Lol so now we’re talking about prescribed meds now? Nice little deflection there…👍
  11. Lol really??? have you been living under a rock? It’s been one of the most well known issues with regards to giving the vaccines to kids- along with the fact that more kids die from the flu than from Covid…😉
  12. While the vaccine did help some older people and some with immune deficiencies, it was not 100%…That being said, the damage Covid had, to the unvaccinated, was proven to be overblown… And in some cases, the vaccine actually had negative effects against healthy individuals, particularly younger males… And knowing Big Pharma’s “less than clean” history with drugs and vaccines, some people on the right (and many in the black community) chose to take a more “wait and see” approach… We are only two years out from the vaccines first being administered, so there hasn’t been enough time to determine the full ramifications… However, as was pointed out in earlier posts, the more time that passes, more and more things are coming to light…stay tuned…👍
  13. You probably still think there are WMD’s in Iraq, and are holding out hope because that’s what the government told you…😉
  14. The people who worship Trump- yes I would agree…But most people who vote for Trump aren’t that…They are more anti-Woke/Marxist imo…
  15. The federal court got it wrong Imo… A shirt saying “there are only two genders” is no more a violation of someone’s right than a shirt saying “The state of Nebraska doesn’t exist”… You may not like it…you may disagree…but it doesn’t matter…The First Amendment is not there to protect speech people agree with, but to protect speech they disagree with…👍 This should be an easy reversal for the Supreme Court…👍
  16. They weren’t white and Christian, so the Left thought they could “use” them to help tear down the country… In reality, Christians, Jews, and Muslims should be banding together against the Trans cult…👍 🤡 world…
  17. I believe the word Glen is looking for to describe the people in these institutions is “cult”…👍
  18. Lol…I’m bringing up points from the video, friend- ya know, the one you didn’t watch, but are still trying to engage people in a conversation about..😉 It wouldn’t hurt to try and expand outside your biased mind bubble once in a while…Might get a little more perspective on things…just a helpful tip…👍
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