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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. You don’t have to agree with everything he says, but he is nowhere near a nut job…In fact, most of his stances in those issues come from other top scientists, in the field, who have signed on with what he says… Using the term “nut job” is extremely hyperbolic…And typically people who attack like that do so because of ideological differences rather than a rational judgement of the points put forward imo… As far as him being only popular because of his name, I argue that you are only partially correct…Recent polls have suggested that most Dems don’t Biden to run for reelection, and would rather have someone else represent the ticket…Furthermore, many liberal Dem voters are not happy with the woke policy direction of the current administration…Finally, Joe Biden is just not a likable guy with all his unpredictable angry outbursts… On the other hand, RFK comes across as a likable guy, and not an angry politician trying to blow smoke up your rear end…He seems refreshingly non ideological, and genuinely interested in finding logical solutions to issues that shouldn’t even be problems in the first place…
  2. I disagree…He is a traditional liberal…And his views line up pretty closely to JFK, and the way old school Dems used to think, when they were for liberty… The modern Democrat and Republican parties have been hijacked by the Military Industrial Complex (combined with Marxist undertones) over the past several generations…This is why modern Dems get confused when they hear a liberal speak like this… It’s because people have been conditioned to embrace corporate imperialism and wokeness as the Democrat way- and it’s just not true… We have to detach ourselves from the paradigm of D vs. R, and really listen to the substance of what a person is saying…👍 Being a Democrat never meant you had to disagree with Republicans on EVERYTHING- that is just a modern phenomenon…It could mean you have slightly different views on some things and similar views on others… Only modern politics desires that you are all or nothing- that you hate your opponent…But that’s because modern politics has become a RELIGION, demanding 100% obedience…And I don’t subscribe to that! 👍
  3. Fantastic town hall by a man who is reminding us all what a true liberal Democrat is supposed to be- rational, logical, scientific, and always in favor of free and open debate, rather than censorship…👍
  4. Come to terms with what- you being a cult member?
  5. I agree- this is not good…But do you feel the same way about the US funding literal Nazis in Ukraine, or are you just virtue signaling?
  6. @BillStime = a cult member who doesn’t realize he’s in a cult, but continues to do and say what his cult leaders tell him to anyway… The day he is ever able to break out will go down in history as being bigger than D-Day…🤣 There are other Leftist posters on this forum- but none are as off their rocker as Billsy…at least you can still talk with them..But this dude is coo coo for Cocoa Puffs…😉
  7. Lmao…Poor Billsy… This is why you are known as a disingenuous poster on this forum, who no one takes seriously… If you want to play the game of “Let’s make sh!# up” I’ll play along… Why do you support molesting little boys? Two can play that game… Yawn.. When you’re ready to have an honest dialogue, I’ll be here…
  8. You need to ask yourself why you’re ok with grooming kids… Why do you feel a need to want to sexualize them at such a young age?
  9. Umm…I believe you misunderstand what the word “groomer” means… In this context, it is someone who attempts to introduce and normalize many different forms of sexuality to kids, as well as encouraging and promoting their drugging, and mutilation of their genitalia- You know, things you’ve stated you are ok with..👍 That, my friend makes YOU the groomer- not the people trying to protect kids from that…😉
  10. It’s probably because Biden always tells the truth…😉
  11. When you believe that “Truth” is white supremacy, telling whatever lie needs to be told, for your side to win, becomes a virtue…😉
  12. Are you pretending this press conference, Comey gave, never happened? How quickly you forget- and how convenient…😉 This is also the same guy who, around the same time, became well aware of the hoax Hillary was conducting…And Comey later played his part in pushing the false narrative…enjoy! 👍 You can try to keep denying, Tibs…but it just looks foolish at this point…And disingenuous…
  13. Yes- the same FBI that said she would not be prosecuted even though they found her to have committed crimes… Yes- that FBI…👍
  14. Do you not believe that Hillary conspired with the FBI, CIA, and foreign actors to frame Trump, so she could win the election?
  15. I understand where Gaetz is coming from, and I agree to some extent- there was true criminality, here, that should have been recommended for prosecution… That being said, I disagree with the hyperbolic language he used in describing the report as silly or laughable… We have to remember that Durham was the only one that spoke the truth on this matter- that the media had wrongly accused Trump for 3+ years…That’s got to count for something, and he should be given some credit instead of being outright dismissed…👍
  16. I don’t trust the Left with taking guns away…
  17. Man, Leftist activists REALLY have a hunger for hoaxes… They use people’s empathy against them…it’s quite evil, actually… Whether it’s Smollett, Hillary, the black high schoolers who wrote the N-word in the bathroom and blamed white supremacists, the black teenagers at the bike rack, or this gay guy, there is a real problem happening on the Left… Its gotten to the point where you can never believe a word out of their mouths…
  18. Lying, cheating, violence…🤔 Attempting to criminally frame a presidential candidate and conspiring with federal law enforcement and intelligence to cover it up…Antifa and BLM summer of violence to intimidate people into submission…sounds about right…👍 Are these the “good guys” you’re referring to? Because it seems like an awful lot of hate going on there…😉
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