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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. A person every young black person should look up to…👍
  2. Great question…a lot of them convince themselves that it’s true because they wish it was- and mainly because it is in opposition to the norm… Remember, everything radical Leftists stand for is out of resentment and bitterness towards (who they perceive to be) the “oppressors” of society… It literally is a religion built on hate…
  3. It’s actually one of the first things Marxists do when conducting their revolution- they create linguistic chaos to confuse the public of their true intent…They do this because they believe that language creates our reality… So, if they can coerce people into speaking their language, the general public will start to see reality through the eyes of the Marxist… It’s diabolically genius, actually- pure mind control…👍 ”Trans woman are women” ”Gender affirming care is healthcare” ”America was founded on white supremacy” Etc, etc. I disagree with all of these sayings, and others like them…But it’s important to understand that they serve a specific purpose by the Left saying them over and over- to get them ingrained into your head so you start to believe it… This is why I refuse to surrender linguistic control to the radical Left…I never refer to a female that wants to be a male as a Trans man…I either refer to them as a woman, or a Trans female- A female who identifies as trans…That’s how I choose to identify them… The reason the Left says it in a confusing way (Trans man) is because they are secretly getting you to say that person is a man- and I refuse to concede that to them, especially if I know it’s not true…👍
  4. So, let me get this straight… You are sad for a man who can’t seem to prostitute himself like the woman he has always dreamed of? Then I guess I am sad too- sad that this man is looking for meaning and purpose in all the wrong places…😉
  5. Conclusion: THEY NEVER REALLY CARED! It was always (and still is) political…And the regular citizens still pushing this nonsense are the brain dead stooges that haven’t figured it out yet…😉
  6. Soon Kincaid will be on that list…👍
  7. I think I would vote for an RFK/Vivek ticket, even though it would never happen…
  8. I know the word “discrimination” has become synonymous with something negative…But the truth of the matter is that not all discrimination is bad- and, in fact, everybody discriminates every day in just about everything we do… If you owned a bakery and some guy wanted you to make them a cake with a picture of you sucking a wang, would you do it? Now, don’t make me call you out for discrimination…😉
  9. It’s actually the vision of every culture until wokeness showed up 15 minutes ago, and tried to control nature… No culture has ever promoted transgender ideology…
  10. My beer of choice at the moment is Fiddle Head IPA…Fantastic! 👍
  11. it’s a protest against wokeness…Anheuser-Busch just happens to be the battle ground in that particular fight…
  12. These are the people holding black people back… Frederick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, and MLK would greatly disagree with this privileged little racist…
  13. But isn’t transitioning from one gender to another considered “conversion” therapy? 😉 I prefer “Glory Hole” better…😉
  14. Undoubtedly, their response will be to double down and push even harder…after all, they have no other choice…they have made their bed, and are now in too deep…They must go down with the sinking ship
  15. I hope he runs as an independent when the Democrat Party rigs the primary again…
  16. I’m a fan of Vivek- think he would make a nice VP…
  17. The hairs on Billsy’s neck always stand up, with his teeth gnashing, every time he hears the word “liberty”…😉
  18. Their just looking for anything to attack him on…and remember, working out is white supremacy…😉
  19. I’m the same way…I like what I’m hearing from RFK…he doesn’t seem like a fanatical ideologue…👍
  20. Just like he thinks liberal/conservative black people are white supremacists…🤣🤣🤣
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