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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. So typical…The Left claims to be against MAGA insurrectionists…yet, just because the Right wants the DOJ to look into Epps, the Left is against it…They have no consistent values- they just play the contrarian…
  2. Lock him up! Society needs to send a serious message that this behavior will not be tolerated…👍
  3. Me thinks this professor touched a nerve…🤔 I think this is why the LBGT community wants to censor any talk about them…Their heroes are pedos…
  4. Billsy, I just go where the pattern of behavior leads… Remember, all of our reputations precede us…👍
  5. I understand it’s a simple question- and on its own, that’s fine…But it appears your question may have ulterior motives, as you are only asking your political rivals, who support the cause in the movie…It’s almost like you might be trying to catch people with a “gotcha” if they haven’t seen it, just so you can attempt to discredit their views on the subject…i hope that’s not the case, but if it is, it’s very disingenuous Imo… And I’m not upset- I just get tired of the childish games sometimes…👍
  6. I haven’t seen it yet but I can’t wait to… However, I have seen interviews of the people who the movie was based on, and the people who made the movie. Until I actually see it, I feel they can probably give a pretty good portrayal of what the movie is about, don’t you? 👍 Not sure why it’s so important for you to know if we have seen the movie yet, especially when we have first hand accounts from the creators… Just seems like a weak attempt to discredit people who are for the positive message of the movie, and to defend those who criticize it…😉 And it also comes off as a bit “cringe” for someone who claims they know somebody who was actually trafficked…
  7. Have to admit, it’s a pretty powerful add…
  8. It reminds of the Left being so deranged and vindictive that at one of Trump’s SOTU addresses, they couldn’t even applaud one of the first black pilots of WW2, or a little black girl from a poor community getting an opportunity to go to a better school, simply because they were being honored by someone on the Right… If someone on the Right says something factual, the Left will always create a reason in their minds why to hate it- even if it is something the Left has advocated for…They will just keep going down the line, connecting dots, until they arrive at “Q-Anon conspiracy theory”… Meanwhile, everyone else is like “What the f—k are you talking about? It’s based on actual missions in South America”…🤣🤣🤣
  9. It’s all just virtue signaling, and trying to normalize something that will never be normal…
  10. Yeah- I’m not really sure what hold up is about…it may be justified, it may not…But because a reason is not given, it’s kinda hard to have an opinion one way or the other…
  11. Do you support the work the movie was based on? And do you support the movie for helping to bring awareness to the issue of child sex trafficking?
  12. These people are so sick… The Twitter video of all the tv anchors eerily saying the same thing about being “dangerous to our democracy” is downright creepy, and reminds me of zombies brainwashed into a cult…
  13. Yeah- they’ve showed their cards many times…we know what’s up…
  14. I wouldn’t be surprised if Q-Anon was a program created by the CIA to discredit opponents of the Establishment- kind of in the way the term “Conspiracy Theory” was created to do the same thing, in the 60s, after they murdered JFK…
  15. -child trafficking is a $32 billion/yr industry… -120 kids were rescued in these missions Not really sure how anyone could be against this unless it’s purely political and you just hate the people involved with either the mission or the movie, or you are ok with trafficking…
  16. You know who else probably hates this movie? MAPs… Let that sink in…😉
  17. They’re against it because of the LGBT community’s guilty conscience of being groomers…
  18. That the CIA is the enemy of the people…Can’t have citizens turn against the nation’s top intelligence agency…😉
  19. I wish, for just one minute, the radical Left could stop and see how re#arded their brains are… Its like every policy proposal they come up with could be an SNL skit…🤣🤣🤣
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