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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Once he called Tucker a white supremacist, i stopped the video because it told me all I needed to know about the video creator…👍
  2. Can’t offend the alphabet people just to protect kids…And lord knows California is the alphabet capital of the world! 😉
  3. This guy really inspires a lot confidence in me…not only super intelligent, but seems like a genuinely nice guy…👍
  4. Now, this is just kind of silly…😉 Its a completely different situation now, that has zero to do with communism attempting to overtake Europe like during the Cold War… Russia does not seem to want control over Ukraine- just judging from their war strategy…it’s only very specific to a particular region, whose people are ethnically Russian, and who voted to become autonomous, and who the Ukrainian Nazis were slaughtering… Remember what Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State once said back in the 90s- that no politician, in their right mind, would dare think about expanding NATO one foot to the east because it would be seen as an act of war- due to the agreements the west had with Russia… 1000 miles, and many countries later, you can understand why Russia might be skeptical of the U.S… Unfortunately, just like with the Native Americans, the US has gone back on its word and has essentially declared war on Russia long ago…I don’t like that Russia invaded its neighbor, as I detest war…However, at the same time, I can’t really blame them… And if China had an agreement with the US that they would not set up military bases in Mexico, and then did it anyway, I wouldn’t blame America for doing the same…👍 I actually also agree with this… All wars are fought over economics, whether it’s Russia invading or the U.S. funding Ukraine…
  5. I think a major issue people on the Right have is that the US played a big part in instigating Russia’s aggression in this conflict by breaking our post- Soviet agreements of not expanding NATO to the east, and then aiding Ukrainian Nazis to overthrow a democratically elected government that was friendly with Russia… Its almost like if America just stayed out of it 10 years ago, 350,000 Ukrainians might still be alive today…Constantly funding and arming Ukraine seems to just be making the situation worse…
  6. Our offense was always at its best when Beasley was on the team… Teams couldn’t cover him and he was always that short safety valve for Josh, which helped to open the deep game… Hopefully “Swole” Beasley can do the same…the good part is they both played basketball and know how to get open…👍
  7. They don’t call them a “death cult” for nothing… These people have serious self loathing, and want to project that hate, bitterness and resentment into others…
  8. Looks like Europe is also pushing back… Countries like the UK, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and France have banned gender treatment for minors…👍 https://news.yahoo.com/europe-pumps-brakes-transgender-care-165729198.html The article claims the US is now the outlier, not only in our medical groups pressuring law makers for gender treatment, but also encouraging it for minors… So, it’s not just MAGA who thinks it’s crazy….It’s most of our allies, as well…👍
  9. Funny thing is, even at his lowest viewing, he is still crushing CNN, MSNBC, and FOX combined!
  10. Not so sure…this is a little bit of a different situation…but we shall see…
  11. He should run as an Independent…he’d probably pick off votes from both parties…
  12. The tide is turning…people are waking up to the madness…the pendulum is starting to swing the other way…👍
  13. Interesting perspective… However, as a person who voted for Trump, I do not feel this way… I feel Epps was wrong in his actions, and should be prosecuted just like other perpetrators who committed (and incited) violence on that day…So, when I didn’t see it happening to him- like it was with others- a red flag went up… And it’s funny you should mention Occum’s Razor…Because, as I was typing my long post, I actually felt that it was the simplest explanation for the Epps situation, given everything we know about federal agents and their hoaxes in recent history…👍
  14. Goose, conspiracy theories start for two main reasons Imo- (1) Things not logically making sense, and (2) suppression of information…Both are present with the Epps situation…And it’s not just one or two things, but overwhelming circumstantial evidence that things are not on the up and up… If you remove yourself from the political situation, itself, you have to see that Epps is probably the weirdest thing surrounding Jan. 6- and that’s saying something…😉 You have to admit that the way he was handled just doesn’t make sense, considering how other perpetrators were dealt with…Then throw in how Dems were so quick to defend him- a MAGA hat wearing Trump fanatic, telling people to storm the capitol to “destroy democracy”…Any other person and Dems would want them put away for life…Why not Epps? What is it about him that makes the Left support him as if he were one of their own? 🤔 It doesn’t add up… Now, put the Epps situation in backdrop of the fake Michigan governor kidnapping that the FBI orchestrated to try to entrap a certain group of people… I also wonder if, because the Left was sold so hard on what transpired on Jan 6 (Just like with Russia/collusion), that the very thought that it could have been helped along by federal agents would cause their whole world to implode… Therefore, in a way the Left almost has to defend Epps (a “Nazi supporting fascist”) as if they were defending everything they have ever stood for…It’s actually an excellent case study in psychological analysis…😉 But honestly, I don’t know if Epps was a Fed, because he was supposedly on their “wanted” list before Jan 6…However, I do think it is very possible he was working with them in some capacity- perhaps as an informant…stay tuned…This story isn’t going away any time soon…👍
  15. Finally! Can’t wait to take it so I don’t get pregnant…😉
  16. Lol Dem lawyers defending this guy tells you all you need to know…hoax 😉
  17. Happy, I agree with you about how the Bills might be forced into trading for a WR at the trade deadline if they don’t sign Hopkins…. For a while now, I’ve had a weird feeling that the team is just not prepared to go the whole season with the current crop of WRs…
  18. I know i might be crazy…but I have hope for everyone…I’m the eternal optimist…👍
  19. Thanks for the great, well reasoned response…It’s a breath of fresh air on these boards…👍
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