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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Nah, that has nothing to do with being woke…
  2. I disagree… Again, Aldean never made the issue about race…He made it about crime and lawlessness around the country… It is only the people who don’t like the patriotic message, and agree with the destruction of country who try to discredit the message, and try make it about race- just like they do with everything else… However, Antifa, who was one of the main groups destroying cities 3 years ago is at least 90% white… To quote the famous Denzel Washington- Its not about race, it’s about culture… I may not be white, but I associate more with the message of the video and the people who support it, more than those criminal thugs in the street…👍
  3. I heard some people mentioning that on the internet… The first thing that came to mind was- does that mean that no one can ever shoot a video with that particular courthouse because of a lynching generations ago? And how many times have other locations, that had bad things happen, been in videos? Gangster rap literally talks about killing people, and it is celebrated as art… At first glance I thought it was the White House…What if the artist just wanted something that resembles it, so they could hang the American flag, in response to the Pride flag being hung at the White House? Maybe he wanted the courthouse to depict law and order vs. the lawlessness shown in the video? My point is, there are so many possible reasons for the courthouse, that to just narrow it down to 1 makes it seem like people with an agenda we’re desperately seeking a reason to attack the video…After all, the “Anti-Racist” sees race in everything… The video was intense, yes- absolutely… But in no way do I see it promoting or advocating for the lynching of black people…It’s not about race- it’s about culture…And, even though I’m not from a small town, that video echoes the same sentiment that I had during those riots…so I definitely understand where it’s coming from…👍
  4. I like it…I wish more people would work together, building things up, instead of tearing things down…👍
  5. As Jimmy Dore likes to say- you never get in trouble for lying for the Establishment, only when you tell the truth…like Julian Asange exposing government spying…👍
  6. Maybe Terry wanted a dome…😉
  7. If working out and staying in shape is considered far right, does that mean that being a fat slob is far Left? 😉
  8. It’s one thing to offer it to minors- which is bad enough…But to do so behind the parents back just makes it evil… I hope they don’t do this to @BillStime‘s kid someday…
  9. O…M…G! …And this person is supposed to be a hero to Dems…🤣🤣🤣 Something tells me this person’s brain wasn’t screwed in right, at the shop…😉
  10. I haven’t spoke to her yet, but she is staying over for at least a few nights for observation and tests… As for the movie (pertaining to the “faux outrage machine”) you could almost say that the Left’s recent addiction to censorship has contributed to many feeling that there is a conspiracy to silence, or deter, anything that is non woke… I would have to say, as a person who has experienced it myself, that it’s a very legitimate concern…
  11. Not yet…was supposed to on Sunday with my mom but she went into the hospital instead…I’ll probably go this Saturday with the wife… How about you? Have you seen it yet?
  12. I agree with his statements here…good stuff…thanks for sharing…😉👍
  13. Doesn’t Biden also try to expand presidential powers with mandates and executive orders that later get overturned by the courts? 😉
  14. I agree with everything you’re saying… I think the thinking of conservatives/non-woke liberals is more of “everything on tv or in the movies is woke, so here is finally something we can watch and not cringe over”… So, I guess not so much “claiming”, just something they can sit back and be entertained by and not worry about being propagandized be Leftist politics…👍 This is also why Top Gun Maverick and Mission Impossible did so well at the box office…👍
  15. Never thought I’d ever see a politician dumber than George W….until Kamala…😉
  16. Dems hate black people who luv America- because they can only use you when you hate it…👍
  17. It’s funny but it seems that conservatives “claim” the movie for the same reasons the woke reject it- Jim Caviezel and the fact that it doesn’t push woke politics…👍
  18. Amazing how much people seem to love non-woke movies…👍
  19. Any momentum BLM once had is dead, now that people have had time to see that they really don’t care about black lives, but rather enriching themselves… After receiving overwhelming support following George Floyd, less than half the country supports them now, according to polls…
  20. Well, he got his money…hopefully that satisfies him enough to overcome the losing he’s about to experience…
  21. It’s not really a conspiracy when leftist cities are actually legalizing non citizens to vote in elections…👍
  22. Well, I’m black and I don’t view him as a white supremacist at all…if he seemed that way I would say so because he would be against me…👍
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