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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. By now, everyone must know there’s an obvious agenda with the Drag Queens…It’s such a bizarre, random concept (drag queen story hour), that it’s extreme coordinated efforts all over lets you know there are obvious motives at play, other than just reading kid’s stories… Amazing how society has gotten to the point where parents have been conditioned to allow their own children to be sexualized….
  2. I heard Poker was considered alt Right…😉
  3. You silly goose…that wasn’t a Nazi symbol…clearly it was a communist symbol in his campaign ad…sheesh…😉
  4. I’m open to being persuaded, but the article you posted is behind a paywall… Can you just specify which parts of the video you think are propaganda, or don’t line up with the article? I only ask because, in the video, Jimmy Dore claims to be quoting the article…Thanks…👍
  5. Where’s @BillStime to shout “fascist” when you need him? 😉
  6. Just watched the Tim Ballard Documentary on Amazon Prime! Fantastic, and great follow up after seeing the movie…👍 This guy, along with the rest of the people working in Operation Underground Railroad are doing God’s work! 👍
  7. Just saw the movie tonight and I have one word- POWERFUL! While watching, I tried to figure out why the Left had their panties in a bunch over this movie… And now that I have seen it, I can tell you- Guys, it’s completely fake outrage!!! This movie is emotional, moving, and full of heart and sacrifice…Afterward I turned to my wife and asked her how there is not a national push to promote this movie- simply based off its humanitarian efforts, alone… It just blows my mind how people can be for and against certain things… But the movie was excellent…strongly recommend it! 👍
  8. Which one? He showed about 10 people in the video who all share his opinion on the subject… Are they all grifters, too? 😉 Looks like the average person sees nothing wrong….
  9. Recent updates on tv news are that Ukraine is getting the sh-t kicked out of them… But I’m sure the U.S. government doesn’t care, because at least we are weakening Russia…😉
  10. Let them deny all they want…I remember society looking like a ghost town…👍
  11. Well, accusing someone of promoting lynching (which is a crime) is, in fact, very dangerous rhetoric- especially when he didn’t even come close to doing that… All it takes is one loon, off their rocker, to do something stupid because they heard that he wanted to lynch some black guy…
  12. …And get the song more views than if it was on CMT… When you try to censor something, more people, even ones that don’t listen to country music, are gonna wanna see what all the fuss is about…👍
  13. This young black man says we need more of what this song is talking about…👍
  14. Thinking you were born in the wrong body is a whole different kind of “coo coo for Cocoa Puffs”… You never see other kinds of mental illness being praised, promoted and encouraged…it’s literally insane…
  15. To your first point, you are correct- in and of itself, a belief in God doesn’t really determine how well you can manage an administration… However, I don’t agree that it undermines his ability to understand the facts of any given situation…After all, he did graduate from Harvard Law and was a successful business owner already… Vivek, RFK and West are probably the smartest guys running…
  16. I think it’s just more of an acknowledgment that there is something greater out there than ourselves… I can appreciate that because it keeps you humble…
  17. I keep looking for something not to like about this guy- however, he is quickly becoming my favorite out of the GOP…
  18. Love Beasley- he made Josh great! 👍
  19. Black guy reacting says “If they’re canceling this, I don’t wanna be an American”… Another one states that the song brings the country together”… Contrary to what the activist mob or woke corporate sponsors of CMT are saying, most Americans agree with the song’s message, and actually enjoy it…👍
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