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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Well, as far as I’m concerned, the #6 WR spot is wide open…anything can happen…👍
  2. This is a result of woke policies…👍
  3. How exactly is that last name pronounced? 🤔
  4. Kincaid will be the better player 👍
  5. Sounds like the Bills are living rent free in their heads…😉👍
  6. You’re probably right about this- they are likely just giving them the pills…😉
  7. I’m not talking about being in charge of curriculum…I’m specifically talking about if a parent does not want their own kid to be taught gender ideology or given puberty blockers behind their back…👍
  8. It doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to know what’s going on with their kid… Now, if you don’t care what’s going on with your kids, that’s your prerogative…👍
  9. How do they not care about kids when their message is to be consulted about teachings or treatments given to their kids? 🤔 When you put aside all the hyperbolic rhetoric, whats so bad about that? Honest question… Don’t you wanna be consulted on what treatments the school is giving your kid? Just seems like Parenting 101 to me…
  10. Only the people that have sprinted to the extreme Left over the last 20 years would ever put DeSantis and RFK in the same category of far Right…🤣🤣🤣 Anyone got some popcorn? This is starting to get good…😉
  11. Yup- this is actually what sane people have been calling for, for years…it’s about time…leave actual females alone…👍
  12. -Woke is giving special privileges to people based on the color of their skin… -Woke is encouraging and promoting mental illness based on the false premise that they will harm themselves if not affirmed… -Woke is the belief that a person can have the wrong puberty… -Woke is allowing for open drug use, public defication, and promotion of homelessness… -Woke is allowing biological males to compete in female sports, so that Trans athletes can win at something and not feel bad about themselves- all the while destroying what females have fought for centuries for… -Woke is allowing for theft and other criminal activity, and not holding seious offenders on bail, so they go out and reoffend- causing businesses to ether relocate or close down altogether… The decaying Leftist run cities around the country all have these cancerous policies in common…It’s not a coincidence that they are dying, as a result…👍 DeSantis isn’t falling in the Republican primary polls because of his anti woke policies (Most people support those positions)… He is falling because he is running one of the worst campaigns I have ever seen…He turns down many interviews, has been accused of deepfaking in one of his adds, is on Trump’s sh-t list (who many conservatives don’t take kindly to), and just comes across as boring, uninterested, and entitled… If I didn’t know who he was, I would never have known he was running for president… To say he is underperforming in a conservative primary, because he is anti woke, is missing the whole story… But don’t worry- you’re not an idiot for doing it…😉
  13. Only if they try burning stuff down…😉
  14. You get what you vote for… If you vote for woke politicians, then woke ideology will destroy your community…👍
  15. Everyone could see this coming a mile away… Bills trying to piecemeal the WR room…smh
  16. Higher than high because some believed he was top 10 talent! 👍
  17. Huh? The Dossier wad fake…conservatives were right to be skeptical…what point are you trying to make?
  18. Why are Dems always on the side of removing kids from their families? 🤔
  19. Makes sense…Gender and racist ideologies tends to make people extremists…👍
  20. Impeachments have no meaning anymore- they are all political now… Fact of the matter is you could have probably impeached every president, that ever existed, on something…
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