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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Heading into the campaign season, I was very much Team DeSantis…I agreed with him on several issues, even though I questioned whether he went too far on others… The thing that has me perplexed is WTH is his campaign doing? Who’s advising this guy…I know nothing about running a campaign and even I could have given him better advice… Early on I predicted that for him to have success he needed to let Trump attack him, while he took the high road…This would make Trump look like the bad guy while DeSantis would be appreciating what Trump was able to accomplish…After all, DeSantis had a successful record to run on…No need to trade jabs…Conservatives already knew who he was… Instead, Ron took the bait, and couldn’t resist the little jab about paying off the porn star…At that point I believe he was polling in the 30’s…He’s been cratering ever since and is now in the teens, and his campaign appears to be in free fall… Obviously the debates are still yet to be had- but he’s going to have to nail them to have any chance…I hope he can turn it around because the more options you have to Trump, the better…👍
  2. I don’t know that this changes anything for me, on Vivek…It’s a level headed take that, even though Trump fans may not want to hear it, is neither condescending to Trump, or out of bounds, in general… It certainly is a strong take, while still as respectful as possible…I think that is what I like about Vivek…He is bold when he speaks his mind, but unlike Trump he isn’t so polarizing with the words he uses… And if anyone is gonna have a shot at defeating the Woke agenda, people from the other side are gonna have to be brought on board…And I’ve already heard several Democrats says that, if Vivek wins the nomination, they would vote for him…👍
  3. Today is movie day at Josh’s house…He says he’s having a couple guys over to watch Reservoir Dogs…👍
  4. Not sure I follow what you mean with your vague statement here… With regard to what we were discussing before, I found your post talking about an apology given to a Native American tribe…However, the article is behind a paywall… Can you say what the apology was in regards to? I’m just trying make sense of the tweets you posted, relating to Kamala Harris and black history, and this apology you’re referring to…thanks…👍
  5. Pick any major issue going on in the country right now… Should Joe Biden just focus on that instead of the economy, Ukraine, education, mental health, homelessness, etc? Issues will always pop up…but a leader needs to lead on many issues at a time, not just one imo… Regardless of what you might think of DeSantis, I’m sure he’s not just ignoring a health emergency in his state…👍
  6. There is something seriously wrong with this man…He is not well in the head, and will not be getting my vote this time around… I understand the whole “witch hunt”, for which I feel sorry for Trump and our country…And, while I feel he did some important things during his administration, I no longer feel he is the right person to lead us out of the current wilderness…
  7. Lol…I didn’t read about any apology in the tweets you posted…Am I missing something?
  8. There was a report out that was terrorizing Allen all day, along with Oliver…👍
  9. Dictionary definition of COWARDS- so quick to crawl into the fetal position, throwing away everything they hold dear, when times get tough! Even Arnold’s massive muscles cannot save him from being one of the biggest “girly men” ever…Just pathetic, and a terrible representation of what it means to be an American- but just about right for his ancestors…😉
  10. You see, boys and girls, the way corrupt politicians get around democracy is they keep the country in a constant state of emergency… Whether it’s the Cold War, the War On Terror, Covid-19, or climate, you don’t need democracy when the president can just grant himself emergency powers whenever he wants to…😉
  11. Other than the whole “kidnapping” thing, which requires more context, I think the Left is reaching on the other points mentioned… It would appear that the Left is attacking Allen because he does not subscribe to their victimization of black people…FACTS! And he is absolutely right about once you give one group of people special privileges, more and more start coming out of the “woodwork” looking for their own special privileges…We see this with just about every non-white, non-straight group in society… “Diversity” is just another word for criminality going unchecked, and immorality being celebrated…👍 If you have no standards, then nothing has value- nothing is sacred, and in need of being protected…Kind of like free speech to the Left…😉 Thanks for the info on this guy…👍
  12. This is getting funny…the “line” keeps moving…at this rate, by this time next month, Joe will finally confess what we always knew to be true…🤣🤣🤣 I wonder how hard it must be to always have to lie to cover up all your previous lies…I wonder, at some point, if it just becomes like riding a bike…😉
  13. I think it is officially a mental thing with this guy…he’s too good to be dropping all these passes…
  14. Well, I doubt Ron will be winning the nomination… I don’t mind states doing what they want…you get what you vote for…
  15. Well, I don’t like it, but there should be a balance of ideologies
  16. Because the radical Left is governed by their emotions instead of logical, rational thought…they don’t believe in discipline… All they are worried about is not hurting your feelings…it’s a recipe for disaster, and I don’t look forward to what the future holds, after years of being governed by people with no wisdom…
  17. As long as politicians keep making excuses for crime (in particular, black crime), it’s only going to get worse… People who think there are no consequences have no reason to stop their bad behavior… Civilization 101…
  18. I hear ya…but for some reason I’m not concerned about MLB…call me crazy but I just feel the cream will eventually rise to the top…👍
  19. War on whiteness is real…It’s spoken out loud by CRT and “Anit-Racist” activists…they don’t pretend to hide it at all… These people make up the DEI boards of corporations etc…. So anyone denying this as a real thing is simply ignorant to the agenda, or willfully closing their eyes to what’s going on, and convincing themselves that nothing’s there… These activists have literally proclaimed that they need to discriminate against whiteness… That’s not the way to bring the country together- but rather the way to tear it apart… Wokeness destroys…👍
  20. Ha! Of course! Josh will stop at nothing to win- even when he’s not in the game! 🤣🤣🤣
  21. Me neither, until the radical Left decided physical fitness was some sort of white supremacy… I know- very strange…It’s like they are the “bizarro world” to everything normal…They are the contrarian for contrarian sake…😉
  22. This is what I was afraid of… I predicted that if they didn’t sign DHOP, there was a strong possibility that the Bills would be looking for WR by the trade deadline… It just seemed obvious to many that they didn’t do enough at receiver this year…fingers 🤞
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