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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. It’s got to suck when you know you’re on the wrong side of an issue, and therefore, have nothing to offer in response…😉
  2. Hoax! I’ve never heard Trump say anything close to this…And if he did, it would be all over the news- You know, like when Biden decided he was the judge for determining whether a person was black or not…😉
  3. Interesting…definitely not a fan of the Soros comments, or that he was on a list of billionaires being praised by the WEF…🤔 Hopefully he will be asked about his mask stance in the debates… I certainly wouldn’t put it passed the global Establishment class to insert a double agent into the running in the Republican primary… After all, the WEF has bragged about getting their puppets elected into other countries…we shall see… EDIT: As I’ve had time to back and read his comments several more times, I noticed there isn’t much context, and that they could easily be misinterpreted… Case in point- Vivek never states that all Americans should be forced to wear masks…But instead, he suggests that the federal government should pay for masks for all Americans…He even says that it is “personal responsibility” instead of it being mandated…still would like to hear him clarify at the debates… Second, although I despise the Nazi, George Soros, Vivek is simply agreeing with him that the Chinese leader is dangerous to the free world… That being said, I always hold that it is of vital importance to always be skeptical of government and that’s what I try to do…👍
  4. Check out The Great Barrington Declaration… Almost 1 million signatures, including the top scientists and doctors in their fields, who disagreed with the “consensus”- or the acceptable narrative… These people are censored, banned, and mocked about everything they stood for, by the “consensus”…Except they were right all along…👍
  5. This is what happens when you have a regime that demands censorship and control of information…Everyone is forced to use whatever info they have to make the best educated assumptions…This is why, in a free society, it is imperative to have open and honest dialogue about issues that govern people’s lives… It’s unfortunate, but this is why nobody trusts the government or the msm, that has been captured, and does their bidding…
  6. Only people backing ESG think it was a fatal error…👍
  7. First time I’ve ever seen him laugh…hope he got it all out of his system…😉
  8. Well, that’s why we still have plenty of time to decide…👍
  9. Thanks for the concern… Its been up and down the last couple of years as my mom battles cancer…we take it one day at a time…👍
  10. …and face planted in the mashed potatoes…😉 Nobody falls harder than JP!
  11. Probably right…The debates should be fun though…👍
  12. I’m praying we don’t overpay for Davis…Every time the ball is thrown to him or Knox I hold my breath, anticipating a bad drop… Then, if they make a catch, I’m overly excited that it wasn’t a letdown…🤣
  13. I’m currently leaning Vivek…He’s for Trump’s policies, without making 30% of the country physically ill every time he speaks…😉👍
  14. Not sure why everyone is concerned…I just saw Brown jumping through tables the other night…😉
  15. Same…part of me is keeping my fingers crossed…but part of me wonders how long it will take before the team realizes they need to upgrade…
  16. All I keep thinking about is Brown jumping through a table the night he was drafted…I’m no doctor, but I would surmise that probably wasn’t good for his back…
  17. I don’t see it as flipping, but rather, nuanced, just like @HomeskillitMoorman said… You can be against how Trump handled the post election, while still thinking the deep state has been trying to take him down… Same with 9/11…you can think the government is not being 100% honest about that day without thinking it was an inside job… It’s not “you’re either for Trump or against Trump”…No, some things you agree on, some you disagree…And there is also going to be overlap with other people on the issues as well… It’s not really difficult to understand, unless you live in a “black and white” worldview…👍
  18. Perhaps the truth of the matter is you just don’t want it to be that way because it presents a gray area, where your side’s narrative requires “black and white” issues to make it easier to demonize people… #micdrop 😉
  19. Not sure if I’m down with the fat finger shaming in this thread…😉 But best of luck to the OP…👍
  20. Lol…Why not? That’s basically been my thought process the last 3 years… I always thought there was likely fraud in the 2020 election, but not enough to overturn… And then, similar to Vivek, I also think the State is out to get Trump… Its not really that hard to understand…In fact, I think there are many people who probably think that way…👍
  21. I think he can believe that the election wasn’t stolen, while still thinking the Deep State is trying to take Trump down with indictments…👍
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