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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. If they think the coffee business is bad, what on Earth are we going to do about the NBA? Way too disproportionately black… Oh wait- it only works for white people??? 🤔 Woke ideology- fueling resentment, division and racism since it’s inception…
  2. It’s to bad this guy doesn’t have a personality…
  3. I’ve always wondered why it wasn’t done sooner…And then I remembered- our government works with them to traffic drugs and children into the country…Apparently, the US is a very big consumer of both…😉
  4. The self-own, for those cities, is pure gold…like licking popcorn butter off the tips of my fingers…🤣
  5. A child being raised by a mother and father is EXTREMIST! 😉
  6. But can a democracy have more than one healthy political parties, like some other European nations?
  7. Can you have more than two healthy political parties?
  8. I just found it interesting that the Dems could not even be bothered to hear important feedback from a doctor on something they advocate for…oddly peculiar imo….like, what are they so afraid of? I’m reminded of the same reaction with regards to the vaccines, where one political side wanted to shut down all discussion about side effects or down sides to important issues…very bizarre…makes people feel they are trying to hide something… Just keeping it real…👍
  9. This guy was born with a gift…Don’t know if he will ever be president, but you could tell, at a young age, he was meant to do great things…👍
  10. “Absolute madness!” Biologist Brett Weinstein and Jimmy Dore weigh in…POWERFUL! Dems walk out of congress to avoid seeing the video…
  11. I’m actually not that big of a Trump fan…but I would take him over Biden…👍
  12. Fair enough…I have no problem saying when I’m wrong…👍
  13. I love Von, but it’s really difficult to take him at his word- no matter how well intentioned he might be… In all honesty, I’m kind of hoping they keep him out for the beginning of the season…I feel we have enough depth, and I would rather him be healthy for the playoff push…👍
  14. So, are you suggesting the Witnesses in the Durham Report are lying? The texts and emails are faked? That would be one hell of a conspiracy theory, especially when there are eye witness accounts of all of this happening…Good luck trying to disprove that…👍
  15. Just because someone disagrees with your politics doesn’t make it hate speech, no matter how much you wish it was… Please tell me you’re smart enough to understand this simple concept..😉
  16. Gotta love the Fauch-meister! 🤣🤣 ”A” for effort…👍
  17. Investigations have already shown, through texts and emails, and witness testimony that Hillary concocted the hoax, and Obama and the FBI were well aware of it…It was done to partly take the bright lights off her email scandal… This is why the FBI was found guilty of altering a CIA agent’s email to get a wire tap on Trump’s campaign- you know, the wire tap that everyone laughed at Trump about, and then later it was proven he was right…so many conspiracies seem to be proven right over and over… Again, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink…😉
  18. I’ll also add the Russia Collusion Hoax…That thing has been beaten to death on how it was made up (and by who) down to the finest detail…But some people just can’t let it go…They were told a lie by people they had put all their trust in…To accept that it was a lie would crush their whole world…And some people just can’t handle it…Not everyone is wired like that… I’m able to change about anything or anyone if I see corruption…it doesn’t matter to me…But not everyone is that way…Took me a while to learn that… But other Lefties on the board seem more rational- even Redtail and Tibs…Billsy comes across like his very existence is on the line if he concedes anything…seems very unhealthy, but, I guess to each, his own…
  19. I wonder though if, on some things he realizes he may be misguided, but that his deep seeded hatred and loathing for his opposition supersedes his desire for truth? 🤔 Meaning he would rather go down with a sinking ship rather than hurting his pride by offering a simple concession… Either way it’s a fascinating psychological analysis…😉
  20. Regardless of what our disagreements might be, I just want you to know I don’t think you’re a freak…👍
  21. Hoax! You can’t make someone see something they refuse to look at…👍
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