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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Meh…I wouldn’t say train wreck, just very stiff and uncool… But when it comes to a President, those things aren’t the most important….
  2. Didn’t they vote for a mobster in Biden, though? I mean, his authoritarian behavior comes pretty close…So many shakedowns, so little time…😉
  3. I’m satisfied with my life too…But it doesn’t mean I will be voting for an Establishment candidate…All they seem to want to do is NOT put our country first, and, instead, run it into the ground so that they can seize more power and control over our lives…
  4. Unfortunately, the msm does not have your best interest at hand…they are simply paid PR for the oligarchs… Working class people of ALL political backgrounds need to recognize this fact, and unite against the elites who seek to enrich themselves at our expense…👍
  5. I appreciate the excitement for a nickname…But to me, a good nickname has to be clever, and typically with a double meaning… For example “The Juice” for OJ…or “The Electric Company” for the OL because they provided the electricity for OJ (The Juice)…or “The Thermanator” combining Thomas’ name with the Termanator… All those classic nicknames were great because of their clever double meaning… This is why I advocate for “Swole Beasley”, because Kincaid basically plays a similar position as Cole, has the similar way of getting open, but is just bigger…👍
  6. Have to say, he might not win the nomination, but I see no problem in what DeSantis said…It’s just common sense stuff that any rational, level headed person could understand…👍
  7. 2 tier justice system- as plain as day, for all to see…Biden needs to be impeached…how do you prosecute whistleblowers that didn’t fabricate a story? Thats not what America is about…But maybe, to Biden, it is…
  8. I really loath this man…
  9. Doyle out for the year… The human leg is just not supposed to bend that way…
  10. What are you talking about? He looks like a stud…😉
  11. McD REALLY likes Andy Isabella in his pregame presser…With all the praise being heaped on this guy, I find it crazy if he doesn’t make the 53…
  12. I hope Andy makes it…I’m not a fan of the Shorter pick- suspect hands and zero separation…
  13. I think I just got dumber after reading through this thread…😉
  14. AMAZING!!!!!! 🔥 🔥 🔥 Black Leftists are so stupid, it’s sad how much they hold our race down… Charlemagne never even realized that Biden was being racist right to his face, and on his own show…”Better know your place, boy!”…🤣🤣🤣
  15. D!ck chopping, for sure…It’s the most insane occurrence in the entire history of human civilization…😉
  16. Is it going to air at the same time?
  17. Is this good? I’m too confused by the wording to understand what’s actually going on here (similar to a double negative, I guess)…🤣
  18. Anything above kindergarten is a step in the right direction…don’t ya think? 😉
  19. Dude just oozes charisma…so glad he’s running…he makes it so much more interesting…👍
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