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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. This along with the Soros scholarship is what worries me about this guy…
  2. It’s Discount Monday in Buffalo…😉
  3. Bills Twitter says 6th for Boogie and a 7th, no?
  4. Unfortunately, at the rate of Beane’s draft success, the Bills window will be closing sooner than later…
  5. Giants got the better deal with the extra asset…smh…
  6. Look for week 7 return, as predicted 👍
  7. Still undecided… I was big on DeSantis 12 months ago…But ever since the campaign started, he doesn’t appear as confident in himself as he was during Covid… I’m intrigued by RFK and Vivek and want to learn more… However, if it came down to Nikki Hailey vs. Biden, I take Nikki all day long, even though I disagree with her Neo-Con foreign policy…At least her domestic policy would be anti-woke… I also rock with Trump vs. Biden… Never to Biden, Newsome, and Michelle Obama…Buttjudge is a joke…😉
  8. But where is Vivek wrong in this statement? Give me something that I can be persuaded by instead the accusation that Vivek is just trying to throw red meat to MAGA… The question should be, is his statement factual or not?
  9. I was for trading edmunds in the offseason, not at the trade deadline…That way it gave the team time to find a way to replace him, either in the draft or FA…👍
  10. Look how far the actual situation got us…now we are stuck behind the 8 ball, with no solution in site… At least, the other way we would have solved the position for years to come AND gotten value…👍
  11. Agreed…I was calling for Buffalo to trade Edmunds last year and draft a top MLB…
  12. Like the way this new offense looks…a lot of misdirection…👍
  13. I predict week 7 against the Pats… He’ll likely be on PUP to start the year…That’s 4 weeks that he won’t be able to practice… Once off PUP, if I’m not mistaken, I believe he has 21 days to be activated…If the Bills use the full 3 weeks post- PUP to get him up to speed, it will be the end of October by the time he sees action… This will give Von a full 11 months after the injury occurred…I would feel much more comfortable with that- and wouldn’t be surprised if the team felt the same, just to be sure for the playoff push…👍
  14. Isn’t it amazing how the modern Democrat Party champions this kind of stuff? Remember when they used to be the Party that wanted labels on music, to protect kids? Now, they promote chemical castration and mutilation of kids… My oh my, how the times have changed…😉
  15. Vivek is either the greatest super villain that democracy has ever known, by being used as a “plant” to subvert MAGA and the Republican primary, or he is the best and brightest hope for the future of the party… Either way, both things cannot be true…
  16. Agreed… it’s a little bit of a tight rope that the candidates have to traverse… But at the beginning of the campaign, I predicted that that the most optimal way forward for any Republican nominee would be the strategy that Vivek is currently employing- praising Trump for his accomplishments to satisfy MAGA, and then explain how you are best able to build on top of that, and take it even further… I just didn’t see any other way that had a chance of leading to success…👍
  17. Unless some of them actually agree with Trump’s policies…👍
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