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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Cue the prescribed talking point response…well done…you’re very obedient…😉
  2. Agreed- as should the American government… If US cuts off its funding, the war ends tomorrow…
  3. EJ? Once they drafted him, I immediately started the countdown to when we were going to draft our next QB… It was that disappointing of a pick…😉
  4. Or a Tennessee school…hey look- we agree…😉
  5. Establishment GOP? Yes, I would agree…👍
  6. Anyone who refuses to see what is going on is WILLFULLY ignorant, and cannot be reasoned with due to their cult-like ideology…best of luck to you…😉
  7. Whaaaaa?????? Obama likes gay sex?!?!????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It all makes sense now, why he chose Michelle as his wife- next best thing to an actual dude…😉
  8. Hate to say it, but I just have a bad feeling about this one…Plus, Allen plays terrible against the Jets… Bills 16 Jets 26 Prove me wrong, Bills…👍
  9. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 One of the worst uni combos in the NFL…shame…
  10. Glad football is back, but I do not like this matchup…
  11. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were still stuck in a time bubble circa May of 2020…😉 You do realize there has been much research done since the beginning of the pandemic, no?
  12. Lol Wait, so let me get this straight… The thing that just about everyone figured out almost 2 years ago, you still refuse to believe? Ouch! Enjoy your dinner…there’s no more need for us to continue…😉
  13. There’s nothing anti vax about what I said…People should be allowed to get it if they want…I just don’t want to be force medicated for a disease that our government/Big Pharma created…otherwise, where does it end? Again, I ask, how am I a fool?
  14. I think you misunderstood what I posted… First off, WE aren’t making anything off of covid, but rather the healthcare industry, by diminishing beds since the 1970s…If you think that is a foolish statement, I urge you to look it up…👍 Second, the pharmaceutical companies, indeed, made billions from the vaccines… So, maybe you could be a little more specific with how I am a fool, because I’m all ears…😉
  15. They were overwhelmed because the healthcare industry made it that way, starting 2 generations ago, to make money…As population grew, they continued to take away hospital beds because it was more profitable… Gee imagine that- creating the problem so that they can make money off of a solution… Homey don’t play that…😉
  16. If the vaccine does not prevent transmission, there is no reason to mandate, especially in a free country…No problem with people taking it to protect themselves, but “one size does not fit all”…👍 And it was clear, after people realized the vaccine did not stop the spread, the government (with funding from Pharmaceutical companies) tried to force everyone to get it…People won’t go along so easily the next time, knowing what we know now…👍
  17. Why can’t public schools perform like charter schools, if they are both public?
  18. This is just flat out wrong and naive… It is verifiably true that Dr. Fauci suddenly went against everything he had ever preached about handling viruses…He even lied to congress several times about the work of his organization…Fauci later ADMITTED he lied about masks AND about herd immunity… Second, most people went along with the protocols UNTIL the data started coming out, and people realized the protocols did little to nothing… Third, mistrust continued to grow when other doctors were finding that other remedies and therapeutics were working against the virus if treated early enough…This was fantastic! Only one thing- the government was condemning it instead of praising it… very odd…wasn’t the whole goal to save lives? Apparently not (As Bill Gates said about Africa- he was upset that they were overcoming Covid, because they weren’t able to sell as much of the vaccine there)… Fourth, they wanted to force everyone in the country to get vaccinated even if you had natural immunization…This was very weird because video had surfaced of Fauci, years earlier, saying that getting a virus was the best vaccination, and everyone had learned that same thing in school…(But it made sense that they would do this, given what Bill Gates had said)… So, it wasn’t the “once in a lifetime virus” that caused people to be inconsistent…It was the government constantly lying and suppressing information about what was going on that caused people to turn against them…
  19. Fantastic interview putting Vivek on the spot about his latest criticisms… Every time I have my doubts, his rational responses always seem to pull me back in… It’s the opposite to when I find myself leaning Trump, he will go and do something like criticizing DeSantis about his hurricane response…And it just makes Trump look so small and petty, and unpresidential… Anyway, great interview by Vivek…I’m starting to think all of the attacks (Soros, WEF, 9/11 Truther) are coming from Republican opposition…
  20. Anyone else find it cringe how the mom flirts with the camera, running her fingers through her hair, all while asking her daughter these questions? It’s almost like the video is not even about her daughter, but as if she is using her daughter to promote herself…
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