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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I just realized Michael Irving is back on NFL Network…I know it’s not Bills related, but it’s good to see that his situation got worked out…👍 This is what happens when you draft for need…
  2. The line falling means the public doesn’t have faith in the Bills covering- more people are taking the Raiders and the points…
  3. So, you’re saying our presidents aren’t the ones running the country? Puppets, put in place to do the bidding of a shadow government? 🤔 Sounds about right…😉 Also, NEVER test for Covid… The current strain is part of omicron, with mild cold like symptoms…The elites are just trying to scare everyone again…
  4. Gotta tell ya- I question the legitimacy of this guy all the time…But he has certainly drawn a line in the sand…And the more stances he takes (and doubles and triples down) makes it harder and harder to say this guy does not believe what he is saying, especially with all the fire he is taking…👍
  5. How so? Did McD say something specific for you to think this?
  6. Exactly…It’s time the coaches start doing more than just talking…Clearly, the talking isn’t working…
  7. If that ruins Allen, he’s not the guy to lead us to the promised land…
  8. Stop babying him…he’s a grown adult who should be able to take criticism… If I were the coach, I would even take it a step further…Whenever he starts to melt down again, I would sit him for a series- give him time to cool off and get his head right before completely imploding, and hurting the team…👍
  9. Josh has ADHD, gets bored, and loses focus when he has to efficiently matriculate the ball down the field… Btw, this is a recipe for disaster if you want to win a Super Bowl…😉
  10. Josh will never be allowed to call his own plays…🤣
  11. Also, the new strain is from omicron, which means more mild cold like symptoms… With each new strain, virus gets weaker and weaker… Yet Biden is out recommending EVERYONE get vaccinated…again…so ridiculous…It’s as if he’s learned nothing from the last 3 years of data…
  12. Too much shotgun, not enough play action
  13. Or JA….dude is all Braun and no brains…that’s not a winning combo in the NFL, especially at QB…
  14. Good for the Jets… I don’t mind that the Bills lost because they didn’t deserve to win… Josh Allen needs to take his medicine after this one, because the Bills are going nowhere until he learns to grow the F up… Oh yeah, and my prediction of 26-16 Jets was pretty damn close…😉
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