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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Your top post, admitting that you would rather have blinders on than hear from your adversary, might be one of the most foolish and ignorant statements I have ever seen on these boards…congrats on being that guy…😉
  2. It won’t be able to watch until tomorrow, but I can’t wait…👍
  3. Probably not, at the same price
  4. It’s like something out of a science fiction movie…so bizarre
  5. There is no better time than on this issue to show you can rise above the partisanship, and call out your own side when they under perform… Just continuing to defend it is so cringe, Billsy- especially when it’s so obvious to everyone, even in the Democrat party… Just rip the band aid off and take the “L”, man- from one fellow bills fan to another…👍
  6. This is @BillStime’s favorite under garment…
  7. I’m still amazed how easy it was for China to get the Democrats to adopt cultural Marxism, under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion…🤔
  8. It’s called jealousy- jealous that nobody needs the msm anymore…👍 Only to authoritarians…freedom loving people welcome it with open arms…👍
  9. I never said anything about “closing the border”…I said Trump was BETTER…😉 Your deflections only prove that you KNOW Biden cannot be defended on this issue… #winning
  10. Wrong…the data is clear… When Trump was prez, the number of illegals was 4 times lower…Nothing is ever full proof, but it was better… Then Biden came in on day 1, issued several executive orders, dismantling what Trump did on the border (stopping the wall, ending “stay in Mexico” policy, ending the agreement to have Mexican troops on the border- just to name a few)…and…tug-dah! Border crisis… So it’s really not comparable to what Trump did- Not to mention Biden is currently trying to send agents to Texas to cut the fence, so more can get in…🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, he reeeeeeeally cares about border security…please tell me you’re not that gullible… So, let’s not be disingenuous about what’s happening…you know full well Biden wants the illegal migrants for future votes….👍
  11. Yeah, but it’s racism for a good cause…As if the KKK and German Nazis didn’t say the same thing, at one time…😉
  12. The cult is scared, and it shows…😉
  13. So true…they are such zombies…😉 The Putin statement also says something about Trump- it illustrates why the Establishment hates him so much…It’s because they can’t control him like control Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush…👍
  14. There it is…just let it out…why waste time in pretending? You’ve already made up your mind anyway before you’ve seen anything… Im sure you think Barbara Walters would be a better pick…😉
  15. Oh i see…only the propagandists in the msm are real journalists… yup…uh huh… Stopped reading after that because now you’re just making excuses…who would you rather have, Rachel Madow? Why don’t you see the interview before coming to definitive conclusions? You think the msm calls out all politicians on their bs?
  16. People opposing Tucker’s interview are opposing the values of the American founding (free press)… We’ve always done this, and people should never fear hearing both sides…👍
  17. The student demonstrates that following the Woke mob has caused him to self censor, when he was right all along… This is the type of teaching that used to exist, but that modern education is lacking…And it’s created a generation of people who don’t know how to think critically…
  18. An “inch” from losing the Republic without a shot ever being fired? If that was the case, maybe we’re not the superpower we all thought we were…😉
  19. 2 ideologies clashing against eachother… 1 hates the American founding, 1 is trying to preserve it… Stay tuned…
  20. Do you know, for certain, that’s the reason? The guy that responded to the video says “Demonstrations against Putin’s puppets”…But who are Putin’s puppets, and what does that have to do with Germany’s immigration policy? What am I missing?
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