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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Love the idea of Jim Jordan for speaker…either him or Byron Donalds… Big improvement over McCarthy…👍
  2. Gaitz is a conservative, while Trump is an antiestablishment liberal… Because of this, Gaitz and Trump disagreed on who should be speaker…
  3. Trump wanted McCarthy…So, what other conspiracy theories ya got? 😉
  4. Except foreign policy and the military industrial complex that makes money off the backs of the taxpayers…it’s not right… Its nice to see the silent majority finally given a voice…
  5. It’s only an illusion of 2 parties if both parties keep voting for the same things… Doesn’t give the people much of a choice when both sides are bought and paid for by the same corporations…👍
  6. Nothing wrong with voting separately on spending bills… Tired of congress attaching unpopular “pork” to obvious things people would vote for…👍
  7. Establishment vs. anti establishment A little Push-back is a good thing and a sign that congress is more than just the uni-party 👍 Nothing wrong with voting on spending bills separately- unless you don’t care where your money is going…
  8. Ya know, thought they might try to convert Elam to FS…but now, Tre makes more sense…
  9. Y’all can thank me for my score prediction, and jinxing the game! 😉 Go Bills! 👍
  10. Dude, are you a fins fan? Nothing but negativity all day from you- EVERY post….
  11. I’m sure the Fins will go for 2 at some point
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