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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Of course it can be better…But I also feel that many people may feel that some things that were being done before was working better (ie working to not give people special privileges based on the color of their skin)….
  2. Thanks for the post, although I disagree that America was never great for black people…allow me to explain… The word “great” is a subjective term…And although two people may be experiencing similar things, it’s possible that one may think it’s a wonderful experience, and the other may think it’s just ok… Everyone has a different American experience, no question about it…There are people born rich, people born poor, and people everywhere in between- and this crosses over to all ethnicities… And while this is going on, nothing in society is ever perfect, nor will it ever be perfected… Therefore, all individual people can ever do is ask “Is my situation, in a particular area, better now than it was before?” If it is, then that’s fantastic, good for you…But if it is not, then sometimes people will want to strive to get to a point where a particular aspect of their life was better in the past… Many people recognize earlier times in their lives as more innocent, and absent of all the chaos they may experience now…Especially with the advancement for technology, along with all the great things that it brings, it also brings along a lot more pitfalls for society… To me, the call to Make America Great Again is a longing for simpler times, where people were more polite, school shootings and genital mutilations were unheard of, communities rallied together in various neighborhoods, parents were looked up to, kids could ride their bikes without fear of being kidnapped, military endeavors were noble and inspirational, journalists were honorable, education was a priority, and was proven in our national standing, the country lead the world in manufacturing, people stayed committed to their marriages more etc etc… These are just some of the things that America was better at in the past than it is now… For black people specifically, America was great when blacks fought and won their freedom in the South…It was great when people like Booker T. Washington took the descendants of slaves and produced the highest test scores in the country…It was great when blacks created Jazz music, and led some of the greatest combat units in WWI and WWII…America was great when blacks earned the right to vote, or worked to become lawyers and doctors…America was great when blacks helped to end segregation in the South, and own their own businesses… And last, but certainly not least, America was great for black people when they didn’t murder themselves at such a cold and alarming rate…there was more of a respect for people in their communities …👍
  3. Remember what Anti-Racism teaches us- in order to end racism and inequality, it is necessary to be MORE racist…🤣🤣🤣 So, yes…To agree with your point, these people are purposely racist, and they justify it with their woke religion, because they feel that being racist is for a noble cause…
  4. And what lie would you be referring to? You seem to have a penchant for making vague accusations without explaining what you’ specifically disagree with…
  5. America was great when MLK reiterated the concept of color blindness…👍 MAGA!
  6. America was great when blacks fought for and won their freedom, along with the aid of abolitionists and white soldiers! MAGA 👍
  7. Well, then it sounds like a miscommunication… The other night, when I said I would look at it over the weekend, I meant I would check out the links you posted another time because I was getting ready to go out to the casino, and didn’t have time to respond to you at the moment… Im sorry if I wasn’t clear enough in my verbiage, but that’s what I meant…👍
  8. First off, I didn’t go all over the internet looking for it…I just clicked on the link you posted… Well, that’s a pretty big accusation…where am I being intellectually dishonest?
  9. I won $500 Texas Hold ‘em 👍 Going to the bank now to deposit my winnings 😉
  10. Oh? we’ve moved on? But you just sent me the article on Tucker to read…we never even discussed it… 🤔
  11. Well, for someone so sure of himself, you’re not doing a very good job of selling your case… Are Biden’s comments Russian propaganda, or should we take him at his word? After saying this, why would anyone not believe the US was behind the destruction of the pipeline?
  12. ok I read the article…Not sure what the big deal is… From what I gathered, Tucker is giving a balanced report on the Russian/Ukraine conflict on his Twitter show…and some people don’t like that Russia is using it to their advantage…Does that sound about right? Did I miss anything?
  13. Is that the infamous Vindman from the impeachment?
  14. I actually wish the Bills would utilize the full 3 weeks to get Von back into game shape…rather have healthy for playoffs…
  15. I’ll look into it and get back to you some time this weekend… If I forget, just remind me…👍
  16. I don’t know man…I feel like identity politics has taken us backwards with regards to race relations… I feel like our country is more racist now than in the ‘90s… You can’t teach society that 1 group of people is inherently evil simply because of skin color, and then not expect negative consequences as a result…That same rationale was used to justify slavery…
  17. I see people saying Make America Great Again…But I don’t ever see what they mean when they say it… Now, obviously there are plenty of things that are great now, i don’t even need to say…But not everything is better off… And if you believe that there was a time in our past, when we were better off at something than we are now, when and what was it? So, I’ll start with something simple… In 1960, 75% of black children lived in a two parent households…Today, that number is down to 43% by some reports… Kids living in a single parent household are at greater risk to drop out of school, as well as getting into criminality and going to jail… Make America Great Again 👍
  18. What does MAGA mean to you? Just curious… I see it thrown around a lot, intended to be an insult…But I’m not sure it’s having the desired effect you think… So, that’s why I’m just curious what it actually means to you? 👍
  19. I honestly don’t even know what this means… -Does this mean if you believe a male cannot be a female, you are a MAGA extremist? -Does it mean if you believe we should NOT give people special privileges based on the color of your skin, you are a MAGA extremist? -Does it mean if you believe we should have a border where we don’t just let the entire world pass over, all at once, while the law abiding tax payer foots the bill, you are a MAGA extremist? - Does it mean if you are against government censorship, you are a MAGA extremist? I’m really curious to know what MAGA means to people, and why it is considered extreme by our president… Because I just listed 4 simple things that are very American, and yet our president does not agree with those American standards… Perhaps Biden is looking for extremism in all the wrong places…😉
  20. Throughout history, no government that ever attempted to censor its citizens, were ever remembered as “the good guys” by historians…👍
  21. First the Russia collusion hoax of 2016….oops! Then the suppression of the Hunter laptop because it was supposedly Russian disinformation in 2020…ooops! Now 2024…If there are actually people that are going to fall for the hat trick on this one, I leave you with these words of wisdom from the incomparable George W. Bush:
  22. Why does the Left INSIST on dividing society based on color? Does anyone else not see anything massively wrong with this? This is not the type of country I want to live in…
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