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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I’ll believe it when I see it…
  2. Oh yes… canoodling is always very satisfying…😉
  3. I hated this deal the moment I heard about it…Now, it is wrapped around the Bills’ neck like an albatross…
  4. I love this, and I agree…👍
  5. If your parents came here legally, and you were born here, you should be a citizen… I contend that the offspring of people who came here illegally should not be afforded that same privilege. However, another example would be if a Mexican diplomat came to the U.S., with his pregnant wife, on business…And while here, she gave birth, and then returned to Mexico a few days later…That should not make their child a U.S. citizen… The “birthright” law was made for black slaves, who weren’t originally considered citizens…It was a way to legally bring them into the American community…However, people since then, have misrepresented the purpose of the law to include others, when it doesn’t make sense, or when it isn’t good for the country…👍
  6. So, does that mean I have a good little gun, because it doesn’t go out and shoot random people in a crowd? Is my gun more well behaved? 😉
  7. Yup… Just like “mostly peaceful protests” and ”most secure election ever”
  8. Josh Allen will go down in history as the greatest QB to never win a Super Bowl, taking the honor from Dan Marino…
  9. I don’t mind if she runs as a third party, just as long as Biden, Trump, RFK, and Haley are on the same debate stage together…the more the merrier…👍
  10. If you don’t like freedom, maybe this is not the country for you…😉
  11. I liked Haley, initially, still do on some issues…But she’s too much of a war monger, and too beholden to the Democrat machine, now that they are her biggest donors…And we all know what the Dems are pushing these days…😉
  12. I would have to agree on all counts…The way Tulsi speaks is very soft and warm- kind of how Reagan used to talk…It pulls people in, even when they may disagree with you… The style of Trump and Vivek can be abrasive at times…I could see Vivek as a Chief of staff or Secretary of Education… Byron Donalds is the future of the Republican Party…The only hope for the black community are conservatives like him…👍
  13. Do you ever have an original thought, in your head, other than Bot generated talking points? Its like you’re a walking bumper sticker, with no ability to engage in conscientious discussion…😉
  14. Wow! What an amazing speech! 😲 I’ve liked Tulsi ever since she had that epic smack down of Kamala in 2020…👍 Rumor has it, she is on Trump’s short list of choices…How great would it be to see a part 2 smack down in a Tulsi vs Kamala debate?
  15. I agree with everything you said here… Just pertaining to the last part about people wanting to show Diggs the door, I just want the Bills to be as flexible as possible just in case things go south in a hurry… And I’m willing to sacrifice a little, in the ‘24 season…
  16. Yes, but we don’t want to restructure Diggs, Miller, or Knox… The Bills will want to leave themselves an out, after the ‘24 season, if they want to cut bait with these guys… I think that eventually getting free of those contracts will be crucial in Phase 2 of the rebuild…👍
  17. This guy is funny, but very insightful… Well, here it is…doesn’t get anymore obvious now…To deny that there is discrimination against white people is happening, has lost all credibility… Wokism has officially declared itself a racist cult…👍
  18. People that still refuse to see what’s going on in our country are ridiculous
  19. What I learned today from Google AI… Black people founded the country and white people were enslaved for 400 years…😉
  20. It is truly amazing to see the grift by the Left… For the longest time, I often wondered why the urban community wasn’t teaching young people how to interact with cops, to avoid unfortunate situations…Imo this should actually be taught in public schools …👍 To see people criticizing this guy for actually trying to make a difference, blows me away…It shows me that the “Black Lives Matter” movement is nothing more than a political hoax, to guilt people into giving them money for radical Left wing causes… And to do that, they need blacks and whites (especially white cops) to not get along…This is also why it seems BLM does not have time for black on black crime- even though it constitutes well over 90% of all black homicides…Truly sad, but at least a light has been shined on the situation…👍
  21. It’s not that people hate them…It’s that the ones the Bills draft are never game changers…They are JAGs…
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