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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Hopefully we can at least get some points on this drive
  2. And these first set of games were supposed to be the easier part of the schedule…
  3. Lol…It’s almost like he doesn’t know how to read graphs and charts…😉
  4. I almost went to this game…so glad I saved the money…
  5. It’s becoming more and more clear the Bills simply do not have enough weapons on offense… Its either Diggs or bust…
  6. Sorry, but the current offensive struggles are not on Josh…
  7. Question- tripping with feet is allowed…but what if a defensive back intentionally tries to trip with his feet? Not saying the Giants we’re doing this, but just curious…
  8. So what? Who cares how hard my post “hits”? I’m just voicing my opinion, not trying to score points by how much it “moves you”…😉
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