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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/2024-election-ballot-robert-kennedy/2024/02/28/id/1155253/ RFK gets enough signatures to get on the Arizona and Georgia ballots…👍
  2. Well, the Hillary hoax was, literally, a conspiracy amongst several actors in the government… obama’s chef dyingin his backyard did happen…whether or not it was a conspiracy remains to be seen… But that why I said anything is possible- because things that no one ever expects to happen, do happen sometimes…👍
  3. I added those for context, but ultimately answered your question…twice…👍
  4. Not sure how I am- I’ve answered your question twice now… Let’s recap, shall we…👍 Question 1- “So Biden can have Trump murdered?” My answer- “…Anything is possible” Your response to my answer- “ Nice deflection….” Followed by your next question… Question 2- “Are you looking forward to Biden having SEAL team Six take out Trump…?” My answer- “Why would I be looking forward to Biden murdering people?” Your response to my second answer- “Keep deflecting.” So bottom line of what we have learned here, today, boys and girls, is @BillStime only accepts answers to his questions that fit his narrative…Otherwise he will consider them a deflection away from his narrative, until he receives the desired response…😉
  5. I have no idea what you are talking about…Hillary DID destroy emails…Why does it matter where facts came from? The real question should be why was there a cover up of this? And why would I be looking forward to Biden murdering people?
  6. If Hillary can get away with falsely accusing someone of colluding with a foreign government, to rig an election, and Obama can get away with a dead chef in his back yard, then anything is possible…😉
  7. Well, considering how every president since WW2 has committed war crimes, and hasn’t been charged, looks like all presidents, except for Trump, do have immunity for life…😉
  8. Lmfao! Of course, the go-to talking points whenever the heat gets too hot- “Trump and Charlottesville”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 These people are trapped in a cult, and either don’t know it, or don’t know how to get out of it…👍
  9. I wish AD Mitchell was faster… In his highlights, it looks like he’s got cement in his shoes… Puff puff pass 👎 This team is desperate for SPEED! Franklin, Worthy or Thomas please! 👍
  10. Good riddance…he’s the worst player on the team…👍
  11. Ukraine was destined to lose no matter what Mike Johnson ever did or didn’t do… The Neo-Con Establishment running the White House are solely responsible for this war, along with the deaths of half a million Ukrainians…
  12. America First… It’s OUR tax dollars…so, saving our money instead of giving it to Ukraine, to fund their pensions and social security is quite fine by me…👍
  13. Biden’s border policy is bad for the country…Anyone who argues differently is in an ideological cult…👍
  14. This is hilarious but I’m trying to figure out what’s happening…lol
  15. Thank God Elon bought Twitter, to act as a counter weight to the biases of the corporate msm…👍
  16. Do we know what the actual story is on this guy? I’m seeing conflicting reports…
  17. Sorry Billsy, but it looks like it might be time, again, to take another “L” on this issue…Your own DOJ has now confessed… You see, it is good that you like to “never back down”, as you like to say…But you also need to include wisdom in your decision making… Otherwise, someone might be trying to pull you from a “burning building”- and if your response is to just “never back down”, you might end up “taking your own life… Remember, honesty over ideology…👍
  18. This is what it looks like when people throw all rationality and common sense out the window, for cult-like ideology… Lornze is like a deer caught in headlights, searching for anything to defend her indefensible position- changing her answers, contradicting herself… Just be genuine, and honest, and not ideological, and you won’t have to act that way…👍
  19. It’s comical how Lorenze keeps avoiding the direct question about gay sex in elementary school…she knows she didn’t have those books in school, and desperately keeps trying to change the subject to sex Ed…🤣 So disingenuous…Reminds me of a particular poster on this board that shall not be named…😉
  20. Dems (and some Republicans) = America Last… Every policy, narrative, and cover up shows this over and over…
  21. So, all that info about him being murdered was American propaganda? Why am not surprised…
  22. Every time I log in and see the title of this thread on the front page, I vomit, a little more, in my mouth…🤮
  23. I couldn’t even keep track…glad you had fun though…🤣👍
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