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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. It depends on what your definition of radical is…To someone on the far Left, a radical could be anyone to the right of them, even if they are independent…It’s all subjective and never stays fixed in place…👍 if you think that radical is thinking a male is a male and never a female, then I am your man…😉 If you think radical is not wanting any person in the world to illegally come into our country and waste tax payer funds, then I am your man… If you think radical is not wanting the country to be in constant endless wars, then I am your man… If you think radical is supporting free speech then I am your man… If you think radical is wanting congress to answer to the people instead of the donor class, then I am your man…👍 Some people may look at what’s happening in congress and think it’s madness…I disagree…I think it’s the healthiest thing to happen in government that I can’t remember… If you know anything about how the country was founded, this is how it went down…it wasn’t all smooth sailing, but rather bickering and infighting…that’s the democratic process…it’s always messy, but the cream usually tends to rise to the top…. Now, some people may prefer a more cleaner approach where there is no fighting, and authoritarian dictates and mandates force people to come to a particular conclusion, whether it’s the best solution or not…Not me…I prefer the messiness of democracy…And if that seems radical to you, then I wear it like a badge of honor…👍
  2. After 35 years of fanhood, I’m over the anxiety part…just trying to enjoy as much as I can, win or lose…but I understand your point…👍
  3. I don’t care who the speaker is…I just hope that they are antiestablishment… You just can’t keep doing the same thing over and over, when congress has a constant 83% disapproval rating…👍
  4. Greatest QB we will ever have…period…👍
  5. ^^^^ So much disinformation in this post…very little context, with high amounts disingenuousness…😉
  6. Yeah, but ya gotta admit- nobody works out like Gabe…that’s gotta count for something…😉
  7. His agent should be in the hall of fame…😉
  8. One of the worst contracts on the team…He shouldn’t be making more than $8 mil per year…
  9. He is not that type of player that makes those catches, unfortunately
  10. Well, after seeing the replay, we did get away with DPI…should have been flagged, but I’ll take the win…
  11. Just don’t expect anything, like me, and you’ll be fine…😉
  12. Stone hands Davis strikes again…can’t wait til we replace him in the offseason
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