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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I would prefer WR in round 1…DT round 2…safety in round 3 or 4
  2. I’m now kind hoping we don’t…I think it would a waste on this season, and hinder us from building for next year…
  3. No- keep going…maybe we can get a top 10 draft pick…😉
  4. No trades…this team is going nowhere anytime soon
  5. Bills really struggling against the worst teams in the league…
  6. Knox needs to take a pay cut after the season or hit the road…his contract hold us back from getting better talent
  7. Ahhh yes…”Stone Hands” Knox strikes again…
  8. I think we need to go heavy on the offense in next years draft…
  9. I think you copied the wrong link…It’s title is also very misleading… The article it cites has Trump quoted as saying he wants to prevent social media from censoring speech… Therefore, if you are against “book burning” (as you claim) it seems you would support that… I’m for all speech being out there, even if I disagree with it…Do you agree?
  10. ^^^^ Disingenuous and hyperbolic post… Either you don’t understand the actual concept of “book burning”, or you’re being intentionally dishonest for political points…I’ll let you choose… If not, congrats on contributing nothing to the conversation…👍
  11. He is only a #2 by default- because everyone else, other than Diggs, just flat out sucks…
  12. Is either side? Or is it just “tit for tat” partisan warfare? Let’s be honest with ourselves…👍
  13. I do think criminals should be punished… The problem is that you could argue 90% of politicians are criminals… The same thing Democrats impeached Trump over in Ukraine (investigating the potential corruption of a political opponent) is similar to what is being perpetrated on him now…Throw in the the fake Russia collusion hoax that was concocted by Hillary and the DNC, and the criminality of Dr. Fauci, and it just makes your argument seem disingenuous…it makes it seem more political than actual justice…Just being honest here…. Now, if you wanted to have the same prosecutorial standards across the board, then I think everyone in the country could get behind it… Violent rioters on J6 should be prosecuted- no doubt…But so should violent rioters, who tried to destroy the country in the summer of 2020… Now, I see that as a very reasoned and fair approach, putting aside my political biases to the best of my ability- holding BOTH sides responsible for misdeeds…Is that something we could compromise on? 👍
  14. Well, it certainly would help…👍 And what is the “rabble intent on rousing” you’re referring to?
  15. Can you elaborate on what being wealthy landowners has to do with process for how they formed the government? I’m just unclear on the point you’re trying to make…thanks…
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