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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Go watch it again…he clearly swings it after it was pushed off…
  2. Dorsey is balls deep in his shotgun draw playbook…
  3. The new speaker sounds awesome in this clip! Hopefully a sign of things to come…👍
  4. You forget that Trump used to always tout “his” vaccine when campaigning, and would often get booed whenever he did so… So Trump supporters are not afraid to voice their displeasure if he says something they don’t like…His supporters are also not the biggest supporters of his abortion views, when he has waffled back and forth…👍
  5. News flash Tibs- everyone’s an election denier…ON BOTH SIDES! Get over it…😉
  6. Oh, don’t get me wrong- I have ZERO faith in Republicans…I am not beholden to any political party… Thats why I appreciate when things get shaken up a bit, to snap people out of the trans they are in, and cause people to think twice about why, what they are doing, is not working… Its not a great situation, but it is certainly better than the status quo, imo…👍
  7. I’m talking about when everyone compromises, the little guy tends to get screwed in favor of big corporate donors… I don’t know who will come out on top for the Republican speaker, but it is nice to see some people standing up to the big donor politicians, to protect our borders, reign in spending, etc… Its refreshing to see that there are still people who won’t just bend over to the elites…👍
  8. They only compromise to benefit their donors Imo, while the working class gets screwed… Look what compromising on the immigration has done for inner city black and brown people of this country…it certainly hasn’t helped… Look how compromising with their insurance donors has kept Medicare for all away from the people… Not all compromises are positive for the citizens who don’t have power and money…👍
  9. Where I come from it means sticking to your principles, no matter how many arrows it may bring your way- not just following the crowd when it’s convenient and safe…👍
  10. It’s not really discipline when Dems, being the minority, had nothing to lose with their vote for Jeffries….anybody can do that… Discipline is knowing your vote might put you in the minority, but you stick to your principles- unlike people like the Squad, who ran on challenging the Dems, but fell in line out of fear…👍
  11. Additional advice to Dorsey- Run the no huddle offense a majority of the time…👍
  12. Dawson Knox has never been right, even when healthy…
  13. Imo, the Bills have too many issues to make trades this year…I would just let the season play out and not make any rash decisions…
  14. Is “Peekaboo” a racist term or are you just saying that, in general, you feel Trump is a racist?
  15. I think it’s always impossible to know the truth in war times…That’s why they call it “The fog of war”- propaganda is thrown around from all sides to build public support… Take Israel, for example…Is it true that Hamas recently committed terrorizing acts on the Jews? Yes… But there are also reports that Hamas was created and funded by Israel to act as a counterweight to the moderate leaning PLO… In war, usually both sides are guilty in some regard…It’s just a matter of who ends up writing the history books…👍
  16. I think the Bills actually are maximizing their talent on offense…The problem is- there’s not that much talent…
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