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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Watching Tua makes me really appreciate how Josh can throw on the run, regardless of which direction he’s moving… Tua doesn’t seem to be to throw once he starts running to his right…
  2. I wonder why he felt it necessary to qualify it…🤔 Why not just he IS running for reelection…
  3. This is a great post. Whether I agree or disagree, I sincerely appreciate it. 👍
  4. Finally, we can have peace- something people were calling for from the very beginning, but the Biden administration kept blocking… It only took 500,000 Ukrainian lives…But what’s a few lives lost between billionaires? Unfortunately, there was just too much money to be made for them to even care…
  5. Well, I’ll tell you one thing he wouldn’t do- He wouldn’t try to get us fired from our jobs for refusing to take an untested vaccine… Thank God for the Constitution…👍
  6. Ahh, simmer down, Fergalicious…Just a harmless joke…😉👍
  7. Hey guys, anyone see how brutal the WNBA is? I’d rather go up against Draymond Green! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. It’s almost like the Left are so beholden to their ideology, they can’t, or refuse to see the illogic in their views… They fear being called transphobic for being against men playing against women in sports… However, most on the Right are not subject to that kind of emotional manipulation, as the logic of the situation dictates that it is simply for practical purposes and common sense…👍
  9. This! Or they don’t currently have daughters, of their own, playing against men…👍
  10. And I think they might be changing that, for obvious reasons… This is why males playing females in physical competition is I’ll advised…the sexes are simply not created equal when it comes to strength and physicality…
  11. Simps for what? Protecting actual females from men? Doesn’t seem like a very hard concept to grasp- for most…😉
  12. Good…it wasn’t in the interview, but I just wanted to test you to make sure you weren’t full of BS… The transhumanism agenda she was talking about, however, was about how we are taking the original Nazi concept of eugenics to the next level… Transgenderism and digital currency is the current phase we are in before they supposedly start to combine man with machine…That’s why they want to get rid of the concept of male and female… But just like any great innovation, there is always those who use it for a dark agenda…Eventually, it is said that the goal is ultimate population control- not only control how many people are born, but what you can and can’t buy, including food and shelter… You brought up Trump and Biden from the interview, and I will admit, the woman seems to be right leaning, with her own biases…But this master plan is much bigger than any politician- as the politicians are only puppets for moving this global agenda forward…And like Glen said, the goal is to make us like China- as that is viewed as the ultimate way to control…👍
  13. I thought it was interesting about how the woman said, in the interview, that they have made vaccines for newborns, that lowers the testosterone levels, or masculinity potential in males, as they get older…Almost like they want a more feminine society… Thoughts?
  14. I’ll make a deal with you…I’ll give you one thing I thought was interesting and you give me one thing…deal?
  15. So, what you’re basically saying is that you still haven’t watched the video…😉
  16. Only a matter of time until Adams gets red pilled and leaves the party… This is what Charlamagne Tha God refers to as a “N—— Wake Up Call”…🤣🤣🤣
  17. Between that one and the “Hillary’s feet” meme, I’m not sure which he likes better…😉
  18. It’s likely due to the mayor calling out Biden for the immigration mess in his city… Gotta figure if Adams was in Biden’s good graces, the administration would look the other way…should get interesting…😉
  19. He’s a broken record…he figures if says the same thing over and over, he will eventually convince himself that it’s true… Regardless of if he agrees or disagrees, notice how he he has no specific feedback to either video- just the same old broken record talking points… In the 2nd video, an ex communist agent gives valuable insight into how a country gets taken over from within…And Billsy just brushes it off because he knows better…🤣🤣🤣 Little does Billsy know the 2nd video is talking about him…But it’s like having a conversation with Gen Z- no wisdom…😉
  20. Looks like Dems even do it against their own… Judge forces a do-over primary election over evidence of voter fraud with…wait for it…MAIL IN BALLOTS… Maybe ol’ Dinesh wasn’t so wrong after all… Can’t wait to hear all the Lefties in here voice their displeasure and concern…I’ll wait…😉
  21. Yup, I voted for Trump and I’ve criticized him many times…In fact, to this day, I still criticize him- and I’ll still probably end up voting for him again…😉
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