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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I just put $200 on the Chiefs money line… So either way, I will go to bed a winner tonight! 😎😉
  2. It’s not about the game being easy…It’s that we weren’t supposed to be superbowl contenders this year… So it’s like a “cherry on top” kind of calmness…No expectations…👍
  3. They realized they could get more votes by giving taxpayer dollars to illegals…😉
  4. Simple solutions, like follow the law, and don’t commit crimes? Gotchya 👍😉
  5. The Dem’s pride will never allow them to admit being wrong on countless issues, including, but not limited to, Russia collusion, “very fine people”, “bloodbath”, Hunter Biden laptop, and Covid… They are in too deep to turn back now- AND THEY KNOW IT! Their lack of objectivity for the sake of hyper partisanship has backed them into a corner they don’t feel they can get out of… So they just continue to double down, covering their eyes, shaking their heads, saying “blah, blah, blah I can’t hear you!” 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Every Republican is the next Hitler to them…And they keep falling for it, hook, line, and sinker (because, when you are devoid of solutions, it’s all they have). 🤣🤣🤣
  7. I agree with the oddly calm part…I think it’s probably because I had zero expectations for this season, so making it this far was a nice treat…I’d love for them to win it all…But if not, i am oddly content…
  8. In the first week, the Trump administration has already accomplished more than Biden in 4 years…🤣🤣🤣 And it was so easy, because all he had to do was use a little common sense…😎
  9. Short answer- yes You play to your strengths and limit the weaknesses of your team- in this case, trying to keep our defense off the field as much as possible 👍
  10. Because God created humans to use sex change hormones and mutilate themselves..
  11. …and it’s “there”..😉
  12. And you can only be a woman if you were born as female…👍
  13. Got a bad feeling about this game…buffalo came out like the game was over- no urgency
  14. lol…we couldn’t rush “balls to the wall” if we tried 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Game over if that’s the best our d line can do
  16. Biden tries to take credit while everyone laughs…🤣🤣🤣
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