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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Ok good… So the people in the pics do seem to be a little extreme (although I will admit I’m not sure what the people at the bottom are supposed to be doing)… So by your definition of MAGA (based on the photos used to describe them) I would speculate that this type of person might account for less 10% of the Right leaning posters on this board, if that…And that’s being generous Imo… What do you think?
  2. What is MAGA to you? Is it just anyone that disagrees with your politics, or is it something more specific? Is it just people who voted for Trump or just the people who go to his rallies? Just curious, because when people say MAGA, I’m never really sure what group of people is specifically being referenced…There are many different categories of people who voted for Trump, and for many different reasons… So if you could elaborate what your definition of MAGA is, that would be great…👍
  3. Seems like this is the “war on whiteness” that the Left and social media don’t want you to know about… The Diversity Equity and Inclusion agenda is actually about none of these things…But rather to limit “privilege” to only certain groups, while excluding it from others… ”Too male, too pale, and too stale” When Leftists confess who they really are, believe them…And anyone who pretends this doesn’t exist are either fools, willfully ignorant, or both…👍 Racism is racism regardless of who does it…
  4. I checked out after the Jags game, when we had all those injuries to key players, in a 2 week span… It was then that I made peace with whatever the season outcome was…I promised myself to just enjoy the good plays when they came, and to root for the young players…👍 The Knox contract keeps pissing me off though…I hated it at the time he signed- and I hate it even more now…
  5. Especially when the entire AFC north is over .500…
  6. Never…once you accept this, then (and only then) will you find peace…😉
  7. It boggles my mind how they don’t know that
  8. I think we already knew before the game…
  9. Defender had his face mask preventing him from jumping
  10. It’s like they’re playing against air…
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