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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Why? The premise of the “Walk Away” thread and this one are completely different…Almost opposite, really…👍
  2. If you want representation that stands for the American citizen, and not global defense and energy companies, they need to be voted out out…👍
  3. Wow, some defense contractors must have offered a really “pretty penny” to several Republicans…Corruption at its finest…’Merica! 😉
  4. Live by the sword, die by the sword… We tried warning these people that any restrictions, to civil liberties, they advocate for other people, will be eventually be turned on them… Emotions (sigh)…some people never learn…😉 “How many kids have you killed today!” Boy, is that an ironic chant from the Left…😉
  5. Lock’’em up…👍 We don’t need domestic terrorists roaming the streets…
  6. Welp, looks like MTG was right all along… Speaker Johnson has officially been brainwashed, err, I mean “re-educated”…😉
  7. Trump’s eyes closed for extended periods of time?!?!? 🤣🤣🤣
  8. It was that damn Josh Allen contract! 😉
  9. What if I don’t even have one, and have stated the disagreements I have with Trump…am I still a freak? 😉
  10. Weak…statistically, hand guns kill far more people that rifles…😉
  11. Newton with his injury? Nabers with character concerns?
  12. Yup- and this is why Europe has banned the practice…Still waiting for America to catch up before too much damage is done…👍
  13. Unfortunately, your post is misleading… I read the entire article and Trump makes NO commitment to DEI… What he does commit to is diversity and inclusion- which, I still don’t necessarily agree with, because it goes against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which says you cannot use sex and race as factors when hiring… The key thing, however, is that there is NO mention of a commitment to the “E” in DEI- Equity, which is the foundation of the entire Marxist (Woke) religion… Equity allows the Left to be racist and sexist, judging people on the the color of their skin and their gender… So, while I don’t necessarily agree with Trump on this, it’s not exactly DEI…👍 Best way to go, for businesses, imo, is to just maintain the “Equal Opportunity” slogan…👍
  14. …that would have helped to legalize more illegal migrants…
  15. Of course you’re always about the “feels”… Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with “love”…I just think some people govern a little better than others…And Biden has brought this country nothing but chaos imo…
  16. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Billsy…😉
  17. DEI-captured main stream media is the enemy of the people…Just constant blatantly false propaganda (by omission) because of their woke religion…
  18. No more hiding from this stuff, Leftists…No more pretending to be patriotic and a follower of the Constitution…Prove you don’t believe that illegal migrants should be voting… The line in the sand has been drawn…👍
  19. Ain’t DEI grand- as another male smokes the ladies in girls track? Hey Leftists- doesn’t it feel so wholesome supporting this stuff? Doesn’t it just make you feel like all is right with the world? what if it was your daughter who came in 2nd, and was devastated after training her whole life- only to lose to a dude? #DEIisaSCAM 👍
  20. Yup…F—k everyone who supports this anti American criminality! 👍
  21. Dance group barred from competition, due to pressure from LGBT and pro Palestine groups, for wearing American flag shirts… Doesn’t sound very diverse or inclusive, does it? #DEIisaSCAM 👍
  22. Who cares… the upcoming season is a mulligan 😉
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