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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. You’re not going find me disagreeing with you about outing pedos…They are, indeed, a danger to children, and come from ALL political persuasions…I’ve even agreed with some of your posts when you out them…I applaud you for it…👍 I simply take it one step further by also wanting to protect kids from other types of mental illness- People who preach false religions, that encourage the physical harm to healthy bodies, and try to create confusion about biological sex…👍
  2. I don’t know anyone who is against LEGAL immigration…But the fake asylum stuff, going on now, that Biden keeps trying to gaslight everyone about, is not that…👍
  3. A particular candidate may or may not win, but the spirit of those that strive to make America great, will live on, long after any candidate is gone…👍
  4. Not at all… I have no issue if an adult chooses to partake in sex changing drugs and surgeries…they are adults, free to make their own choices, after reaching the age of maturity and consent… Children have not reached that stage of maturity to fully understand the repercussions of what teachers and doctors are giving them…They wouldn’t even know what questions to ask…In fact, they have to fully trust that these adults, who KNOW better, will not harm them…And unfortunately, that is not the case in many situations…👍
  5. I thought he was gonna say how he shoved them up his ass…😉
  6. Just because God have humans skills does not mean they are necessarily using those skills in the ways God intended… People can also have a warped view on what it means to better one’s life… “For there are ways that seem right unto man- but in the end, it leads to death.” - The Bible … This is why wisdom is so important…👍 Administering puberty blocking drugs (the same kind used to sterilize pedophiles) permanently destroys any chance at having children down the road… Also, once you start down the pharmaceutical path of gender drugs, you can never fully recover, if one day you wake up and realize you were sold something that wasn’t true… With regard to the surgeries, you can never fully experience sexual intercourse the same as a normal person… And the saddest part of all- gender confused people aren’t told this information…They are just immediately thrown onto the “assembly line”…Once, the people that lead them there do not care about the out- only that they keep spreading the ideology…How do I know? I’ve heard many testimonies for detransitioners, who told the same sad story over and over… Remember Billsy, there is a reason ALL of EUROPE has banned gender treatments for minors…It’s because they have not been fully captured by the ideology and are able to see that it does more harm than good…👍
  7. Well, you quoted the paragraph- so I assume you read it…😉
  8. It’s not about “looking” scary…people don’t always outwardly project their mental illness in a visible way (although some do)… It’s more about one’s perception of reality and if it is the type of thinking that can be harmful or detrimental to kids down the road…Given that children do not have a full grasp on reality, it is the obligation of adults not to set them on a foundation of confusion, going into adulthood… ”Playing God” and trying to alter the healthy and natural progression of one’s own biology does not appear to be a rationally thought out idea…And because kids believe anything they are told, introducing and teaching it to kids is borderline demonic (almost as much as child sacrifices of ancient times)…👍
  9. I hear ya…I just feel that if you’re going to be teaching the future of the nation, not knowing whether you’re a woman or not, should be an automatic disqualification…😉
  10. Don’t like it… Odunze is GOOD at everything but he’s NOT ELITE at anything… I think it would terrible cake to trade up for him…Rather take a chance on Thomas, who has elite speed…👍
  11. What took them so long? 😉 Amen! 👍 The mentally ill should not be teaching kids…unless you want your kid to become mentally ill as well…
  12. The 4th circuit ruling is unconstitutional…Becauae ALL humans have 1 of 2 sexes, it is not discrimination to say all athletes much perform according to the sex they were born as…nobody is left out…👍
  13. I really hate name calling…It accomplishes nothing but satisfying our most primal of emotions… If you think your position is right, just let it speak for itself…👍
  14. Oh, there’s logic…you just disagree with it…
  15. I’m as serious as a heart attack… Theres nothing cute about the criminality of Joe Biden, or the division, destruction, and chaos he’s brought to our country…👍
  16. Before I saw PFF’s ranking, I was thinking 10 for the Bills, as well…👍
  17. I didn’t vote for Biden…
  18. So sad…we are witnessing the destruction of a nation in real time… We have lost our moral compass, indeed….
  19. I chuckled a little 😉
  20. This is why they don’t acknowledge that they are rebuilding
  21. No, I don’t feel we will be as good this year as in previous years… But I don’t necessarily don’t think that’s a bad thing…We are in a mini rebuild, despite what the organization might say…And I feel this is a 2 year rebuild …👍
  22. The 25% is only the percentage of the politicians, not the people who voted for them… The American citizens vote for their representatives, only to get the opposite of what they voted for…👍
  23. You know I don’t break news B-Man…😉 Strictly commentary …👍
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