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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Need to get the clock down to 12 seconds when we score…😉
  2. You won’t- it’s endzone or bust at this point….The bills clearly want to finish it here 👍
  3. By allowing the Eagles to stay close, the refs will be able to dictate the outcome…
  4. Bills playing well but leaving so many points off the board
  5. Depends if WR had initially possessed the ball for a legal catch…if so, it’s a fumble…if not it’s an interception 👍
  6. While I agree with your last paragraph, “apprehensions”, in this case, is referring to how many people they have “processed” and given a court date to, while releasing them into the country- as opposed to the hundreds of thousands of illegals who have snuck into the country, and are unaccounted for…👍 So, there have been roughly 6.5 million illegals let in under the Biden administration, that is public knowledge… According to the article, roughly another 1.5 million have been let in, off the record… Thats where the 8 million total comes from…
  7. The coaches are just probably trying to give Gabe some love because they know how much the media and fans have been ripping him… They probably just really like the guy because he’s a nice guy and a good teammate- similar to Trumaine… But like with Edmunds, they probably don’t like him enough to not upgrade the position- especially after how much McD praised the Eagles offense and all their weapons… I respect it, but it’s likely all just “coach speak”…
  8. There is a link within the article that @B-Manalso posted that explains where the data comes from…Therefore, whether the article is from a liberal or conservative website is a moot point, because the data used is public knowledge directly from the CBP…👍
  9. Lol…I give real life examples of how the border policy is negatively affecting people, and this is the best you can come up with- a partisan political response? Come on, man…where’s the intellectual honesty, Billsy? Where’s the substance? Enough with the first grade responses…😉
  10. No…I’ve highlighted the reality of the situation- that with few exceptions, the Biden administration is letting just about anybody into the country… Then, under secrecy, they are busing, and flying them to cities all over the country, whether local Democrat governments can handle it or not… We had a local 80 year old vet get kicked out his apartment for illegals…in a nearby motel, homeless American citizens were being kicked out so that illegals could stay there…A whole team of black and brown workers were recently let go, at my job, only for those positions to be filled by illegals…And I haven’t even mentioned the smuggled fentanyl or child trafficking that is taking place…This is not Right wing talking points- this is real life… THIS is the Biden administration policy… Deny all you want, for political reasons, but deep down, you know it’s true…Unfortunately, you often seem to allow your constant partisanship to cloud your judgement…
  11. The number totals are public figures from the US Customs and Border Patrol…I’m sorry you don’t like who published the article… Maybe better luck next time…😉
  12. No problem 👍 https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/article_81293caa-1050-11ee-8619-734bf91c6025.amp.html
  13. I’ve already listed, in previous posts you’ve responded to, how it is negatively affecting the country… So instead of responding to my question with a question (to which I’ve already stated the reasons to), why don’t you start by stating why you support the policy that many Democrat officials are not happy with…👍
  14. Please stop? What did I say that wasn’t true? Are you afraid to hear the truth about what is happening to our major cities due to Biden’s border policy… Dont take my word for it- just listen to democrats, themselves.. Again with the ad hominem attacks…why can’t you discuss the substance of the current policy instead of the personality attacks?
  15. Well, I’m sure you are aware that it wasn’t completed…And Biden had initially stated he didn’t want to add one more inch of the wall… But regardless, 3 years ago, illegal immigration was a fraction of what it is now… Do you support the current policy?
  16. Forget personalities…Anyone can play the ad hominem game…let’s talk policy… What is normal about Biden’s border policy, that even his own party criticizes him about? How is 8 million illegals over 3+ years good for the country? How does that help to raise worker wages? How does more demand on goods keep inflation down? How does it protect against potential terrorism? You see? It’s different when you talk about the actual policy instead of partisan politics…😉
  17. Just waving a magic wand, to make them legal (even though they are not) does not absolve the price on the American tax payer, or our infrastructure… And make no mistake, these people are NOT asylum seekers like our government and media has been propagandizing us to believe… I work with these people every day and they are only here for jobs and money…They are NOT here because their country is at war or they are being persecuted in some way… You only believe what you do because a person with a “D” in front of their name told you to think that way…Wake up- do better…Deep down you KNOW this whole thing makes no sense…It’s not benefiting the American citizen…Btw, they are taking jobs and housing from black and brown AMERICANS, including veterans…I know because I see it every day at my job… So, then the question becomes, do you support black and brown Americans or just black and brown foreigners OVER Americans? 🤔
  18. Yes, FOX News sucks…in other news, the sky is blue…😉
  19. When, not if, the first terrorist attack takes place, in this country, by illegals that have come through the southern border, Biden will have major blood on his hands…
  20. The Patriots and Chiefs were his ceiling…And that’s fine with me, because you can’t get any better than that… So, now the question becomes ‘how consistently can he be at, or near, his ceiling?’
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