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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. What are the two groups?
  2. Moot point…the funding was authorized by congress for an ally- the same thing Trump was impeached for…just goes to show, it was just an excuse to get Trump- which is what we knew all along…👍
  3. Joe is blowing his own mind after exposing himself as a disingenuous hypocrite…Well done, Corn Pop! 😉
  4. Sorrry, B-Man…But didn’t @BillStime inform you that logic and rationality will get you nowhere in life? 😉
  5. And yet he still runs the country better than Biden…😉
  6. One of these is an activist, who doesn’t seek to interpret the Constitution, but seeks to change it, according to her ideology…🤔
  7. DeSantis would not be a good pick imo…Not a good debater, not personable enough, not likable enough, unless you’re going purely on policy- which many people don’t… Plus it would look weird after Trump has made fun of him for so long, not to mention the whole high heel fiasco…😉
  8. Yup- the end goal of the Biden administration- America last…
  9. I knew coming outta that draft Harris was gonna suck…awful pick
  10. I heard @BillStime was the MC…😉
  11. You would think…unfortunately, holding people to account is apparently racist, according to the Left…😉
  12. Gays Against Groomers are wise to understand about the coming backlash…people have had enough of the insanity…👍
  13. You think it has anything to do with them being Marxist institutions? 🤔 Just like every other Marxist revolution…👍
  14. No need to get upset that you don’t understand the people you support…They are professionals at persuasion and indoctrination…so, no shame…It happens to the best people, with the purest of intentions… Becoming aware has to start somewhere…👍
  15. Coming from you must mean I’m on the right path 😉 You seem to know nothing of the people you support…
  16. Thomas is a black hero and a patriot …All young men would do well to strive to be like him…👍 Because according to your religion, any criticism of black people is white supremacy 😉 Intersectionality, remember? 👍
  17. Plus they would never be caught doing this, as well 👍 They only fly other nations flags …
  18. Trump has his flaws, no doubt. But based on his policies, alone, Biden is clearly NOT America first…👍 No president would do what he is doing if they were America first…
  19. It’s not that I necessarily believe it or not…But it is a fact that The Times did, indeed, boast of a “shadow campaign” to take Trump down… Furthermore, the phrase used by the Biden campaign, that has stuck with me to this day, is that Trump would not be re-elected “at all costs”… So, like you, I too feel that anything is possible…👍
  20. This woman, supposedly, who works for a Ukrainian online “bot” farm, was originally tasked with spreading propaganda in support of president Zelensky… Then one day, the company was visited by English speaking men, who the woman claims were likely CIA, and given new orders… Listen to the talking points she was given…sound familiar? This reminds me of the Times article that came out, after the election, boasting of how the conspiracy to mobilize a shadow campaign to defeat Trump was successful…
  21. Woke is the “feel good” way to be a white supremacist if you're a liberal white woman…it’s a softer bigotry- more digestible…😉
  22. You’re right…their Bibles preach how to discriminate against different races according to being an “Anti-racist”… Their bibles preach how to use “intersectionality” as rationality instead of science… Their bibles preach how to build an army by indoctrinating the youth into a false gender ideology… Their bibles preach introducing chaos into societies to overthrow civilization… Just check out the mindless zombies all around college campuses, not even knowing what they are protesting because they were told to… Now they are being arrested and expelled from school, and have to move back in with mommy… Cult…👍
  23. LGBT is the new brown shirts…it’s a religious cult that has brainwashed many, using cultural Marxist tactics…👍
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