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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Then you might want to find a new hobby… I kid I kid…😉 But in all seriousness, and kidding aside, i recognize people will view this issue differently (and at first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, if I’m being honest)… I had always just grown accustomed to minorities doing something like this, and accepting it as that’s just the way it was..Also, you don’t normally see white people do something like this- or it’s at least not publicly promoted… What won me over was the language used in promotion of the event…It was pretty much the same language we hear other groups (who claim oppression) using… So, then the logical side of my brain kicked on and said “well wait a minute…if it’s ok for other groups to do it, it MUST be allowed for this group as well, for true equality to exist in this circumstance”… I see commercials all the time, specifically dedicated in helping black business owners…it I used to piss me off- I thought, why can’t they just make a commercial helping ALL business owners? Why does it have to be racial? it’s so divisive… So, then the logical conclusion to that is that If white people wanted to do the same, but specifically helping white business owners, we would have to allow it…I don’t like it, but this is why identity politics is so toxic…this is where it has brought us to…The road to ruin is paved with good intentions… So, I hear where you are coming from, and part of me is there with you…But the way I view it is, we either allow it for ALL groups, or we disallow it for ALL groups…And because we can’t force people NOT to do this, we must be ok with everyone engaging in it… I don’t like identity politics- never have, never will…But what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander in a free and fair society…👍
  2. Honestly? I don’t really see a problem with this… To be offended by white people getting gifts for only other white people, you would also have to be offended by black people getting gifts for only other blacks, hispanics getting gifts for only hispanics, and native Americans for only other native Americans… And frankly, I don’t see anything racist or wrong with any of those groups doing it too (which they do)…And none of these activists get offended when other groups do it…They are simply looking for things to “pile on” an organization they politically disagree with… And that’s fine, but just be honest about what your objective is, instead of pretending like you actually care if one race gets gifts for only their same race…👍
  3. Fox News is actually behind the curve, when it comes to these topics… Meh…disagree… I’m sure no one thought George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Joe Biden would ever be president…Times change…DeSantis might not have a shot now, but you never know which direction the winds will blow in the future…
  4. So sad, and so true…it’s like some people have to just embrace the opposite of what you say (no matter how righteous you are) simply because they’ve already decided you were the worst possible type of human being…unfortunately, this is what modern politics has become- it blinds people from seeing all rationality in favor of their politics…
  5. I’m sure most people that are for these books don’t really know how vulgar the content is… I say this because after seeing those pictures, there’s no way anyone in their right mind would think those are appropriate for minors…
  6. I couldn’t be less interested in either of these guys…yawn…swipe left…😉
  7. I disagree…Staley might be bad, but McD bad losses are on the biggest stage…That makes him worse…
  8. McD is the type of coach you choose to be the interim HC, just to get you through the rest of season, after firing the original HC…He is not the face of a leader of a franchise…
  9. McD is good for at least 2-3 EPIC losses per year…He lacks the balls and confidence to lead this team to the promised land… swipe left…😉
  10. Bills will get a top 15 pick in the 2024 NFL draft…👍
  11. Up 17-7 at halftime, I turned to my wife and told her the Bills would lose- because they were letting the Eagles hang around…
  12. You must be a new fan…😉 I became numb to the Bills after 13 seconds…I root for wins, but I’m totally fine when they lose… I’ve learned that getting upset is not worth wasting on a franchise that is cursed and will likely never win the big one… So, after 35 years of fandom, I have made my peace with it…
  13. When the bills kept blowing opportunities in the first half, I felt we were gonna lose…even texted my brother in law at halftime when we were up 17-7…as a bills fan I have just come to expect it as our fate…
  14. Because win or lose, this is the best drama on tv 👍
  15. I guess McD doesn’t want Josh to be the Grim Reaper…🤔
  16. If Mahomes can do it it 13 seconds, why not the bills in 20?
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