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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. When you’re able to convince a third of the country that censorship (the antithesis of what it means to be American) is not only ok, but necessary, you know the indoctrination is working… I never thought I would see the day…
  2. Honestly, the guy seems like such a mental case, I always thought he would be a bust…time will tell…
  3. Agreed… And if I could add something to what you said- it’s a belief that government once did actually work for the people, before the days of a bloated federal government, deep state bureaucracy, and the security state…The days when the government actually cared about the Constitution, and didn’t try to subvert it with Marxist indoctrination…👍 Thats what MAGA means to me…
  4. Because it makes Trump one of the people, when the Left only wants people to see Trump as a white supremacist… They mad because it hurts their messaging…👍
  5. You have to understand, that to Billsy, anyone to the right of Stalin, is considered MAGA…😉
  6. Apparently you didn’t read my first post…I said it was what many people already thought…👍
  7. Who wants peace when there is billions of dollars to be made off war…Biden would have be a fool to actually want peace…😉
  8. Ok, so clearly, while I’m capable of being bipartisan on the issue, you seem to be having some trouble with that concept… I could play that partisan game, going tit for tat, but it’s too boring and infantile… Im more interested in finding common ground and what unites instead of divides…carry on…👍
  9. This man has gone viral…Listen to what the cameras didn’t show about Pelosi’s reaction…👍
  10. I would’ve been a millionaire… I was once the number 1 pick in my league… Sorry, but it’s my only claim to fame…gotta milk it as much as I can…😉👍
  11. Yes, we’ve been over that already…it also happens outside of churches… So I’m just going to assume you don’t have an answer specific to these conservative groups- which is fine… But to make a claim that they have had a major influence when society has gone the complete opposite direction that they would like, over the last 60 years, kinda makes your statement hard to believe…👍
  12. Sorry to disappoint, but child abuse is not beholden to a particular political persuasion, and has been going on since the dawn of time… But, you already knew that…👍 Any other claims of influence, specific to these conservative groups?
  13. Lol…you claimed they had a lot of influence over the last 60 years..but judging by our society, we only seem to have moved radically to the Left… Can you name something major they have influenced in modern society?
  14. But clearly the pendulum has swung greatly to the Left the last 4 years, and we need to bring balance to “the Force”. 😉
  15. You mean the one that never belonged to Hunter? Yeah, I thought it was settled that that was Russian disinformation…So why are people still discussing it? Strange…🤔😉
  16. Oh really? We have gay couples getting married, transgenders running around everywhere, and Marxism dominating every institution in society… Looks like the influence of these Christian conservative groups, the last six decades, has been close to zero…😉
  17. Thank God that at least we have 3 completely virtuous Left leaning justices on the Court…🤣🤣🤣 One could almost argue that nearly half the country is…wait for it…deplorable? 🤔😉
  18. I think people already have…time to experiment with the new guys and see what we have, moving forward…And keep building 👍
  19. Shows where their mentality is…This is a growing year- not a year of championship expectations, and rightfully so…👍
  20. In a nutshell, Equality are individual rights given to ALL citizens, and protected by the Constitution… Equity is government tyranny to force certain groups to give up their opportunities to other groups, who haven’t necessarily earned them, in order to achieve a desired outcome…(ie illegal immigrants before Americans)…
  21. True, but most people don’t do that…And for me, it’s one less thing to worry about…
  22. Lol…not unfortunate at all…I felt so free the day I paid them off, and closed them out years ago… And by paying for everything with actual money, I end up saving more because I’m not being charged interest…👍
  23. Credit cards are for fools..If you’re smart, and don’t use them, like me, you don’t even have to worry about high fees… Carry on…😉
  24. Don’t hate the playa, hate the game. 😉
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