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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I don’t trust the bills in these close games
  2. Was this the score of the broncos game? 😉
  3. Bills playing down to the competition, and Chargers are playing hungry to redeem themselves from getting embarrassed…not a good combo…
  4. How is one player allowed to have different color socks from the rest of the team?
  5. Leftist ideology teaches me that black people can’t be racist because we don’t have power…😉 So I try to speak in the language that Leftists, on here, will understand…
  6. Calling a black person racist, for being a free thinker, only highlights your own inherent white supremacy…And it’s no different than Biden saying “You ain’t black….” But you’re so blinded by your superiority complex, you can’t even see your own blatant racism…👍
  7. I bought my first house during Trump’s presidency…And I’m so glad I did because our interest rate was 3.25%…You can’t get that any more…So, I liked Trump’s economic policies… I liked how gas was $2.30/gal by the time Trump left office…Almost immediately after Biden took over, the national average of fuel shot up to $5.00…Now, obviously it has come down over time…But even so, it is still not where it was under Trump…So, I liked Trump’s energy policy… I liked how no new wars were started under Trump…I liked how he kept his friends close, but his enemies closer…He wasn’t afraid to work with the Chinese, Russian, or North Korean leaders, even if he didn’t agree with them on everything…He wasn’t a Sabre rattler the way Biden is… If you remember, in 2016, tensions were mounting with North Korea…Then Trump became president, crossed the demilitarized zone to meet with Kim Jong Un, and then you never heard about US/N Korean tensions again…So, I liked Trump’s foreign policy of de-escalation…
  8. Nope…I’m saying that Trump’s immigration policy was better…And it was more than just the wall…He negotiated having Mexico put military on the Southern border- something Biden does not want… We didn’t see our urban cities collapsing the way they are now…This month is averaging 10,000 to 12,000 illegals PER DAY! We were lucky to see that per month under Trump…👍 You mentioned infrastructure…well our infrastructure cannot continue to withstand that type of influx…
  9. I would argue the deterioration of our urban centers, due to Biden’s “purposeful” immigration policy is worse than Trump’s immigration policy… Don’t take my word for it…just the other day the people of Chicago demanded to vote on rescinding the city’s sanctuary status…Other people on video were fed up, and pleading for Trump to come clean up the mess that had been created… These are likely people who voted for Biden, or their Leftist mayor, and regret doing so…
  10. People like you all have “hive” mind…there is no desire for depth of understanding the different reasons for why people would vote for a particular candidate…So, your only rationale is to say people “worship” that candidate, when you couldn’t be more off the mark… But it doesn’t matter trying to explain it to you, because you’ve already made your mind up… And I could vote for someone else if Trump wasn’t the nominee (At the beginning of the campaign, I actually favored 3 other candidates over Trump…But you don’t care, because to people like you think I worship Trump…👍
  11. Or this guy… So, looks like it’s a wash…😉 So, now that we have that out of the way, and all white supremacists being equal, I guess we can go back to judging who had the better policies for the country…👍 Ahhh, 5th grade insults were fun…takes me back…😉
  12. Dems, once again, showing us who they really are…unreal… See what happens when you open Pandora’s box?
  13. What makes it even more suspicious is that Trump is leading in all the polls
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