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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Roundy’s about ready to “take the bridge” with all this Trump winning… I can just imagine the steam coming out his ears now…🤣🤣🤣
  2. Racist, sexist, Hitler, homophobe, white supremacist… You may be right…But you guys have “cried wolf” so often, you can no longer be taken seriously enough to make me wanna care… Wake me up when you have some new material…😉
  3. Hey @BillsFanNC I think the fact that no one has a rebuttal to your posts is an admission that people opposed to “lab leak” were wrong, and Fauci should be brought up on charges for trying to cover it up… Anyone who tries to refute that just looks like an idiot at this point…👍 Looks like “conspiracy theorists” win again…😎🍺
  4. 3 things… First, I had complete, and utter confidence you would use a semantics argument in your response…Thanks for not letting me down…😉 Second, the regulatory bodies for checks and balances are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry…That’s why their standards for testing are not as high as they used to be decades ago… Third, many physicians are intimidated, and in many cases, threatened that they will lose their license to practice, if they speak negatively about pharma drugs or vaccines…I know, because this is what happened to my doctor during COVID, when I shared my concerns… Your idea on negotiated pricing is intriguing… I’ve heard prescription drugs are far cheaper in other countries… I’m curious if opening up other drug markets, in other countries, could help in the negotiating down of prices, by creating competition…And if so, I could see why Big Pharma might not like that… The main issue is that we are fighting a battle where not everyone has the same interest…You and I want lower drug costs, Big Pharma doesn’t…Who has more influence over our elected officials? Big Pharma…I think that’s the real issue here…
  5. Can you imagine a debate between Kamala and Vance? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Do you enjoy sounding like an idiot, or is it just an involuntary tic? 😉 I used to think you had a tiny bit of common sense, perhaps I was thinking of someone else…
  7. Lol…They so stupid…🤣
  8. This is little bit of misinformation… Pfizer In 2009, Pfizer paid $2.3 billion to settle charges of illegally promoting Bextra, Geodon, Lyrica, and Zyvox. Let’s add a little context, shall we? I said 20 years ago, when it was actually 16… I also said largest ever, when at the time, it WAS the largest (if not one of the largest) up that point in time… So, again, we can go back and forth with the semantics all day long… But again, in the end, my premise still stands… By you posting even larger Big Pharma settlements in recent years, you only further prove RFK’s point, why simultaneously dismantling your own argument… We should not be completely relying on what these corporations are telling us, and should question them at every turn, while demanding greater testing…👍 Please tell me your next comeback is not gonna be that it was actually 15 years, 9 months, instead 16 years…😉
  9. Thank you…now tell this to Joe, because based on his arguments, you’d think he was being paid by Pfizer 😉
  10. So I got the actual name of the company wrong…The premise of my argument still stands, in that we should be questioning Big Pharma at every turn and not just rubber stamping everything they want to do…wouldn’t you agree? 👍
  11. And yet RFK is the villain for questioning their testing of vaccines? Riiiiiight….
  12. And the mentally ill transgender was qualified? 🤔 If that person was qualified, RFK is more than qualified…👍
  13. Poor Joe, to lose all objectivity and ability to be skeptical of Big Pharma, only to be peddling their propaganda… I believe RFK listed a number of things he was called a conspiracy theorist on, only to be proven correct after further investigations, and yet you are still never skeptical of the Big Pharma narrative… Pfizer had to pay out the largest settlement ever, 20 years ago, for malpractice, and yet you continue to toe the line like a good little pawn, never curious, and never asking questions… Why do you think Big Pharma made it so people couldn’t bring lawsuits against them, for the Covid vax- because they were on the up and up with testing??? 🤣🤣🤣 Come on, man…please tell me you’re not that naive…please tell me you’re not such a partisan that you can’t see the forest through the trees…
  14. I just think it odd that cnn would only post a senators monologue instead of including the witness’s response, almost like it didn’t fit the narrative, so they didn’t want to include it… Journalism at its finest, I see…😉 In the videos I posted Jimmy Dore had both the questions and responses…👍
  15. I wish the video included RFK’s response instead of just a monologue from the senator…
  16. RFK exposes the corruption rotting our government…
  17. The bills embarrassed themselves by not drafting him, and trading with KC…they deserve what they get
  18. Game over…Josh doesn’t have it today…oh well
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