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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. You bring up the rot at “the source” a second time…So, I ask again- what are you referring to?
  2. This month (December) we are averaging 12,000 illegals per day…That’s 372,000 for the month…expanded over a year is 4.4 million!!! These are record numbers that have NEVER been seen in the history of this nation…You do not achieve this accomplishment unless it is either the goal of the administration OR they are completely incompetent…Those are the only two options… Now, my solution for the border crisis would be to do everything that Biden is not doing… 1- I would use funds in the defense budget to finish the wall. 2- I would set up garrisons of 10 soldiers, for ever mile along the border…The border is roughly 2000 miles, so we are looking at about 20,000 troops… 3- In the gaps between the garrisons would be cameras so that military can see all activity and respond if necessary. Just with these 3 things I bet I could reduce illegal immigration to under 500 a year, compared to Joe Biden’s 4.4 million! This isn’t rocket science, and it’s amazing how a Joe Shmo, like me, can come up with a more effective border policy then the people being paid to run our country… But when you start to realize that it’s all about will, then you realize this immigration crisis is either the goal of the administration, OR they are completely incompetent…Logic dictates that there is no other alternative…👍
  3. If Russians say the sky is blue, is it propaganda?
  4. If MSNBC tells you something is Russian propaganda, would you believe it? 😉
  5. Does is begin with a “B” and rhyme with hidin’? 😉
  6. So, what’s the source of the immigration problem in your opinion?
  7. He’s just deflecting because there is no defense for the immigration… Clearly, it’s what the Biden administration wants, or else it wouldn’t be happening… Nothing is 100%….But it worked a lot better than just letting EVERYONE in…LOL…don’t ya think?
  8. Lol…nobody’s gonna clean up the immigration crisis- not even democrats? 🤔
  9. It’s unfortunate how disingenuous your post is, Joe…I expect more from you…👍
  10. But who’s gonna clean up the immigration crisis?
  11. Best chiefs can hope for is raiders miss the kick, and with roughly 20 seconds left
  12. I find this hard to believe…It’s not like he has untapped potential, due to athletic ability…Davis has basically reached his ceiling as an unreliable, unathletic #3/#4 receiver… No smart team would pay him #2 money…They would sooner take their chances on an upgrade WR in the draft…👍 As for the Bills, the mentality of our front office should be to draft a #2 receiver, that they see as a potential replacement for Diggs…That is not Davis…
  13. I hear ya… Would love to win the division…But the other AFC rivals losing helps to ease my anxiety of just getting to the dance…👍
  14. Wow! This is turning out to be a great weekend for the Bills… Everything we need to happen is happening…hopefully it continues…👍
  15. So, we want the Texans and Colts to lose today…anyone else?
  16. These people seriously need a good decade of mental rehabilitation… If they are allowed to get power, I have no doubt they will destroy humanity, with the logic that this woman uses…😉
  17. When discrimination is encouraged and promoted against specific groups of people, it is only inevitable that individuals will not feel wrong, or remorse about attacking those groups of people… We‘ve seen this when a racist black man drove his vehicle into a Christmas parade, specifically looking to hurt white people… We also saw this when two black guys woke up, one morning, saying they wanted to randomly shoot a white person…they drove around a neighborhood until they saw a man tending to his garden in his front yard…They pulled up to the property and killed the man, without ever being wronged by him, or even knowing who he was… A third story is about two black men who stole a car and decided to intentionally hit other vehicles and then run over a white guy riding his bike…The murdered man happened to be a retired sheriff out for a morning ride… Unfortunately, these types of stories will only continue to increase the more this racist anti white narrative is promoted in our society…
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