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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I think they exist…Not sure where though 👍
  2. Bowman losing is more evidence that the Dem strategy of race hustling is dying…People are fed up…👍
  3. Not sure what Beane’s plan is, but I would sit on it until we see how the season is playing out…
  4. I think your response is kind of dodge itself…The “tax cuts for the rich” is a tired excuse, and is used hoodwink people who don’t read beyond the headlines… The fact of the matter is both parties give tax breaks to Big Corp, and pass policies that benefit them… The biggest difference between the two parties is that Republicans also give tax breaks to the working class, and anyone who pays taxes…Typically, the more in taxes you pay, the more of your own money you will be able to keep…That’s the “hoodwinked” part that the Left always tries to play… Dems like to give tax breaks to those who don’t pay taxes…
  5. You didn’t answer the question…What income level is considered wealthy?
  6. The sad part is, it’s not because Biden actually believes in the ideology, but because his administration has been bought and paid for by the Medical Industrial Complex…👍
  7. Disinformation and gaslighting is all they have at this point…
  8. If Biden’s name was Gerald Ford, he would a constant skit on SNL… Biden’s “weekend at Bernie’s” shtick would be comedy gold, but the Leftist media and entertainment networks are too afraid to mock his shortcomings, like they do people on the Right…
  9. This is so…gay- A league created for people who like to have sex with the same gender…🤣🤣🤣 I’m sure there will be a lot of tackles where guys are slow to get off the pile…😉 The idiocy of humanity never ceases to amaze me…👍
  10. Interesting
  11. But you said you disagreed with B-Man’s post, but never specified what it was, in your response, that you disagreed with… Was it just an emotional reaction to defend Fauci, or did you actually have info that contradicted the info that was derived from Fauci’s own emails? I ask, not to be a pain…But one of the things I’m noticing in the people who defend Fauci, is they completely disregard the info in his emails, simply because they don’t want to be seen aligning with the political Right on the issue… But the sad part is- it shouldn’t be political, and Fauci has history of covering up stuff, dating back to the AIDS epidemic…👍
  12. Depends what you mean by stolen…But there were certainly illegal things that were allowed to happen…
  13. This is so infantile…Can we at least pretend we are older than the second grade? The truth of the matter is that everyone is more willing to believe a hoax as long as it helps their side… As far as who loves and hates America, it all depends of what your vision of the country should be…If you want a more traditional country, people on the Left hate that version of the country and vice versa… As far as child abuse, people have different definitions for what constitutes abuse…For example, sex drugs, hormones, and operations are considered abuse by those on the Right…Whereas, not allowing those procedures is considered abuse by those on the Left… When it comes to sexual abuse, we are only interested in pointing it out when it is the opposing political side that is perpetrating it… Sound fair enough? 👍
  14. That’s why they suck…👍
  15. This is true… There is a “big switch” happening now… The Dems, who used to be for the working class, unions, and civil liberties is now represented by more Republicans… However, there are still far too many Republicans, for my taste, who are globalists and Big Corp… We are also seeing minorities starting to switch parties as well…very interesting what’s happening…One for the history books…👍
  16. Some interesting info in this compelling short interview…Some of the reasons even sound similar to 9/11…
  17. Remember the days when SNL used to mock both political sides? This would have been comedy gold for them… Unfortunately, they have been ideologically captured and don’t know how to be funny anymore…
  18. Do you realize how lame it sounds, touting mainstream media, especially at this juncture?!? When you have the MSM whiffing on, arguably, 3 of the biggest stories in the last 100 years, in WMD’s, fake Russia Collusion hoax, and Covid, not sure if you really want to defend their record… The MSM has essentially turned into paid propaganda by the Security State and the Big corporations that pay for their programming…But keep watching- I’m sure they will tell everything you want to hear…😉👍
  19. Probably in denial- just disagreeing to disagree because it’s the “other side”… Plus all the media they listen to tells them it’s not happening…👍
  20. They have nothing else to stand on…I actually don’t blame them for pissing on our legs and trying to convince us it’s raining…😉
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