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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I’ve always liked Vivek…he’s seems like a legitimately good dude with a bright future in politics…It might not be his time right now, but he has laid a solid foundation, going forward…👍
  2. Is this line of thinking where people get the idea that a man can be a woman?🤔
  3. In theory, anything can be anything… And, in theory, I can walk on water…ergo 2+2=5…😉
  4. Best part is, they already know he lied lied the whole time based on his own emails…should be fun…👍
  5. Lol…Just because an analogy is over your head, and does not give you the answer to help along your narrative, doesn’t mean it is bull💩 … It just means that perhaps you should start contemplating deeper things…😉
  6. Trying to figure out the percentage of something as fluid as someone changing their mind about how they feel (in a given moment) is like trying to pinpoint the location of subatomic particles…👍
  7. Is the question “how many people ARE Trans?” or “how many people identify as Trans?” Better yet, here’s some more food for thought- If gender is a social construct (as the post modernists like to say), then by default, doesn’t logic dictate that “transgender” is a social construct as well? 🤔
  8. Just in case you were born yesterday, all journalists are opinion hosts, who share their own biases in their reporting…👍
  9. I recently posted in another thread how anti white hate crimes would continue to rise as long as society kept pushing “anti-racism” and how discrimination against whites was ok…here is a prime example…
  10. Yes…yes it is…😉 My favorite recent Bills team was 2020…
  11. Agreed… The solution has always been an easy one…However, the agenda of the Trans activists is to get society to accept biological males as females… Therefore, because the simple, logical solution does not promote the agenda, the Trans activists will fight against it…
  12. But then the Woke would either call it racist or transphobic, and then they would allow the road to be blocked again…😉 #clownworld
  13. Trust me, I can guarantee you’re not on the priority list for the underground bunkers…😉
  14. Well, then there you have it…hopefully you get everything you want…😉
  15. Well, one thing I wish we would do, to help these people, is stop overthrowing their governments, or supporting coups in their countries…That would go a long way in helping to support these other nations and their economies… But the one thing I don’t like that the Biden administration is doing is he is categorizing these people as “asylum seekers”. But asylum seekers are people who are political refugees… These people ARE NOT political refugees… but he realized that the migrants would not be let into the country if they were just economic migrants…So, we were lied to, and here, you have another example of the mainstream media helping to propagandize the American people…
  16. Great question… People get them mixed up, but the correct term is “elitist”…The puppet masters pulling the strings aren’t actually better than you, but they think they are…They also believe they have been chosen to rule over you… They control the flow of information, and direct you into supporting their agenda through paid propaganda everyday day. (This is why anyone who spoke the TRUTH about the vaccines was cancelled or deplatformed, until later it was proven they were right all along). Elitists are racist and fascists, who believe in eugenics and limiting the birth rate of undesirable populations (ie read Socialist Founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger and her letters to the KKK) Bills Gates, who funds the WHO, has had a majority of the nations around the world surrender their autonomy when it comes to treating yourself and your community during health crises…Now, instead of congressional vote, we are beholden to WHO and whatever they command us to do… Klaus Schwab, chairman of the WEF, telling the world that the goal of the elitists is to have us peasants “own nothing, have no privacy, and be happy”. Then you have globalist bankers pushing for a Federal Reserve Digital Currency, to track everything you purchase, as a form of control in a social credit system (The vaccine passport and digital ID is related to this). So, this is a little taste…The key thing to take away is that they use chaos to create order, they have no incentive to ever tell you the truth, they don’t believe in individual liberty, both Democrats and Republicans are bought off by them, and they think that it is their job to socially engineer society in a way that suits THEM…
  17. And again, after a question is asked for clarification, you respond with a vague question of your own… I’m not trying to troll you, but now I’m starting to question whether you, yourself, know what this “rot at the source” is that you keep referring to… Are you referring to countries with lower paying jobs than America?
  18. 🤣🤣🤣 I was just thinking the same… A quick glance at that map, and you immediately understand why it is deceiving to Joe…😉
  19. Lol… good point- maybe I shouldn’t expect more…👍
  20. This is a rather naive statement… Is the culture in Ohio the same as Oregon? This analogy is no different when comparing the culture of an entire state…Case in point- Is rural Georgia the same culture as Atlanta? So, yes, while there are general laws and guidelines a state has, each municipality within the state can expand on those laws and guidelines…Also, there are going to be needs that a city has that rural Georgia does not have…So, new law will be enacted to deal with those issues… As for the socialist ideology I am not a fan of- I do not like “equity” and “anti-racism” as it is racist, and seeks to push people down in order to lift others up…I am for lifting others up without pushing others down…👍
  21. He’d make a great character in a horror movie- very creepy…😉
  22. I think you might be missing the point I’m trying to make… You were attempting to blame the Right for the crime in cities that exist within Red states… The problem is that everyone knows politics is local…You aren’t going to blame the entire US for the irresponsibility of California or NY…You are going to blame the politicians that run those specific regions… Just like you wouldn’t blame the red state of Georgia for the Marxist policies that Leftist politicians, running the city of Atlanta, decide to implement on it’s citizens… While wealth disparities does contribute to high crime, it’s also the policies of our local politicians that contributes to whether or not the individual citizens is empowered enough to get out of poverty…And from what I understand about socialist ideology, it’s a pretty safe bet that those Leftist cities aren’t too concerned with lifting anyone out of poverty…👍
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