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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. No pass to sherfield ever turns out positive
  2. Nice pass by Josh to get out of that hole…
  3. Corn fed?!?!? Thats the name of my band!! 😉
  4. Nope…it’s who he is, and will never change…Just like the way I am at poker….I know I shouldn’t call, but I just can’t help myself….lol
  5. I get the impression isn’t exactly a cerebral qb
  6. Such a poor pass from Josh…I wish could throw a football like Brady…
  7. Hey, when you’re hungry, you’re hungry! 😉
  8. Ed Oliver- the ALL PRO! Who would have ever thought he would get to this level? So happy for him! 👍
  9. Josh has guys open but he is not pulling the trigger
  10. Allen’s gonna have to get rid of the ball quicker
  11. Bills are in trouble today…this game has bad juju written all over it
  12. Polls were taken after the election saying that roughly 5-7% of people who voted for Biden, would not have, had they known about the story…so, there is some evidence that the suppression of the story did, in fact, help him win…👍
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