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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I think so because the Steelers need the extra win to catch the bills
  2. Doubtful…it’s likely because he called out CNN in prior debates, and they only want candidates on stage who are anti Trump and pro establishment…
  3. JaCrispy: I’m a Bills fan… WaPo: JaCrispy refuses to say he’s not a Cowboys fan…
  4. He’s sooooooo good! Amazing interview on the eve of the Iowa primary…👍
  5. I have to disagree with Mark on this one… Some people feel that by, simply hiring people who look different then other people, it will help your business succeed… My question is HOW? If you have two candidates to choose from, and one is white and one is Hispanic…How does it help the business to hire the Hispanic if the Hispanic doesn’t have the best credentials for the job? It’s one thing if the Hispanic is more qualified for the position…But it is obvious that if they are not, you are only hurting your business…And this goes for people of any color and gender… And I agree with Elon on this one…Discrimination on the basis of race, REGARDLESS of reason or intention is still racism… Just remember, the KKK thought they were doing something positive, too, when they discriminated…This is no different- just the other end of the spectrum…But they still share the same thing in common- racism…👍
  6. Vivek dismantles woke Washington Post reporter…👍 He doesn’t subscribe to her “religion”… Love it! People gotta start calling it out for what it is…👍
  7. I wanna trade up into the top 12 for LSU’s Malik Nabers, similar to what Atlanta did for Julio Jones… I wouldn’t mind giving up our 3nd rounder and a mid round pick plus our 1st rounder… edit: I would give up our 2nd rounder instead of our 3rd
  8. All she had to do was simply say that calling for the genocide of ANY group of people will always be against Harvard policy… Buuuuut, because she refused, by the Left’s own definition, Claudine Gay, herself, committed genocide. And that’s why she was forced to resign…we can’t have that type of behavior on our college campuses…😉 If people were calling for the genocide of black people, would she still need context before making a determination if it was against Harvard’s policies? How about the genocide of the LGBT community? Exactly…case closed…👍
  9. It wasn’t purposefully released, but rather a leaked board meeting, that wasn’t intended to be seen by the public…
  10. It’s amazing how half the country is completely oblivious to certain info because they only watch news from the Establishment news sources, or only one political persuasion… If I feel like looking it up later on, I’ll post it…but I make no guarantees…👍
  11. What is “straw man” about corporations like Coca Cola and Disney actually admitting, out loud, that they discriminate on the basis of race and gender? These aren’t made up hypotheticals…This is factually happening…It is the spoken agenda of the modern Left, which has moved so radically to the Left, it is unrecognizable to liberals…👍
  12. I haven’t seen anything that said Trump was trying to get illegal aliens to vote…but maybe he did…do you have evidence of this? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/23/nyregion/noncitizen-voting-rights-nyc.html
  13. Liking what Shakir is becoming…we will still need a top WR target in the offseason
  14. It’s all a very intriguing dichotomy… Part of me can see how both the Left and Right have points to be made…Yet both sides can, and will, be corrupted to suit their own agendas, if left to their own devices… So, what do we do? We are a flawed race of beings, who are not all created with equal gifts and talents… Is there a way to compromise and satisfy philosophical differences on both sides? Do issues like this always require a physical confrontation to determine which sets of values will be used, moving forward? Whatever the solution, there definitely seems to be a little more mental instability emanating from the political Left- which typically includes a secular lack of a spiritual foundation…And I just don’t find myself wanting to associate with that type of chaos… I can’t see Jesus saying that in order to end discrimination towards one group of people, we need to discriminate against another…Jesus was more about loving your enemy, and praying for those who persecute you…👍
  15. Weren’t Dems in NYC trying to allow non citizens to vote for a while now?🤔 This isn’t a one time thing…This has always been the agenda of the Left, and it started with issuing them drivers licenses… Everybody knows this, but you seem to wanna pretend to ignore it because it benefits your side…👍
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