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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. First, they screwed Bernie over in 2016, when he was leading Hillary, and the Democrat Party just decided to give it to her… Then, Bernie bent over in 2020, and asked for it again, but this time with no lube… And now this…Knowing the whole time that Biden was not healthy enough to run, the Democrat Party waited until after the primary, so that the donors could select the candidate, and not the people… While Gerald Ford predicts the future, Gen Z voices displeasure over rigged election process…
  2. Have you been living under a rock? The Secret Service Director only got caught lying about everything she said…On top of that, regular citizens knew the time line of events better than she did, 9 whole days after the event- she wasn’t interested…Never went to investigate the site…she wasn’t interested… Clearly her vague and unconvincing responses were to cover up something else…Logically, there is really no other excuse at this time…Trying to believe there is, is simply be naive or wishful thinking… And you’re smarter than that…FEDS have been trying to take Trump down since he was elected…👍
  3. Would you expect anything less? 😉
  4. Tibs, you’re so blinded by your TDS, that anything that makes Trump the victim, you automatically oppose…It’s like a natural reflex action, for you, that prevents you from rationality and common sense… Sometimes you just need to leave the emotions at the door, and just accept wherever the evidence leads, whether it benefits your side or not… Remember…”At all costs” they would not allow Trump to be president…👍
  5. I agree with just about everything the NFL executive said…Doesn’t mean Josh isn’t great- just means he could, actually, be better than he currently is- still room to grow…👍
  6. I knew it would only be a matter of time before the truth started coming out… So far, we know the secret service chief lied about the sloped roof, as other snipers were on roofs that were sloped…And even after the shooter was killed, we see photos of officials standing on the sloped roof with ease, without any appearance of being in danger… And we know the FBI is lying about not being able to get into the shooter’s phone, access to social media, and search engine content…This is very basic stuff for federal law enforcement… And now it looks like the government is lying about a “lone shooter”, just like with JFK, as witnesses claim there was another near the water tower… The government is always propagandizing us- remember that…They have no reason to ever tell us the truth about anything, when they can get what they want by lying… Unfortunately, for them, in this modern age of cell phones and cameras, people don’t need to rely on them anymore…It’s much easier for people to put the pieces of the puzzle together, themselves… More to come…👍
  7. Trump speech POWERFUL! Very emotional!
  8. Nice guy, but I thought it was boring and forgettable…I started getting annoyed at how entertained, by the crowd, he kept getting- would take long breaks in between speaking… I was eagerly anticipating hearing him speak, as it was my first time doing so…However, I lost interest rather quickly…Hopefully he debates better than he gives speeches…👍
  9. F those people! This is 2024…Almost half the country is in a mixed relationship… Funny thing is, those who are racist would die if they found out they are likely not pure white, themselves…👍
  10. Congrats to Chris…I’m sure it’s a lifelong dream! 👍
  11. I thought helping people get abortions was good, no? 😉 In all seriousness, like I said, life is a journey…Gotta start somewhere…Half my family are Baptist Christian- and most of them are racist…
  12. I’ll be sure to take down the names of the people in the audience so I can sell them sand on beach…I’ll be a millionaire in 2 hours…😉
  13. These people are sick satanists…I would never wish death on a politician I disagreed with… What’s weird is that I’m hearing contradictory stories that the ladder was already up against the side of the building…not sure what to believe…
  14. Life is all about redemption…and thank God for that! Not everyone is born into this world a perfect human being, and knowing all…It’s usually trial and error… It’s very refreshing to see a Hollywood celeb, who started down a dark path, find comfort, happiness and positivity…I wish her well on her journey…👍 Yes…How convenient a sniper tried to assassinated him…Perfect timing indeed…😉 Yah, good thing he’s not running for president, eh? 😉
  15. JD was not in my top 5…not sure how I feel about this, especially after he bashed Trump and supported Romney…time will tell…
  16. I have heard this before and any American who would say some Americans are more American than others, I could not disagree with more… If you are person who has come here legally, and gone through the process to become a citizen (learning the laws, studying the history), you are just as much an American, to me, as someone whose family has been here for centuries… But I just want to be clear, though, I do not support amnesty, or a path to citizenship, where people have come here illegally, and are rewarded by “leap frogging” foreigners who have applied for citizenship the legal way…👍
  17. Fair enough… I’m not even going to pretend to know much about the topic, to be able to respond… All I can say is there are political motivations on both sides for why certain stances are taken… I find it hard to believe that anyone would be against advancements in technology that would help the ecology of the planet… I suppose the question then becomes ‘At what cost?’ and ‘what is the most efficient balance that will achieve the goal of ecological technological advancement and maintaining our modern way of life?’
  18. Can you give specifics of the things you don’t like? I might agree with you, while still considering myself to be MAGA
  19. There’s typically only 3 reasons one would commit a political assassination attempt…(1) You are hired to do so…(2) You are brainwashed into committing the act…Or (3) You, yourself, are political, and opposed to the particular politician…
  20. What political party you register under means nothing…Who you actually contribute to and support would seem to tell a bigger story… There are plenty of people, especially on tv (Morning Joe, Anna Navarro) who claim to be Republican…Yet they espouse their love and support for Biden (and his leftist policies) and hatred of Trump… Party registration means nothing..👍
  21. Sorry, I didn’t know it was open mic at the comedy club…if you have any other material, might wanna try that…👍
  22. This post is sad on so many levels…if given a few moments, I’m sure you can figure out why…
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